Capturing Moments: Our Photographic Zine at the neighborhood event organized by Vzlet

Saturn9 photography
Published in
4 min readSep 17, 2023
photobook Videt Vysehrad

In a world where digital screens often take center stage, there’s a certain charm in leafing through the pages of a carefully crafted zine. This is exactly what we had the pleasure of sharing during a recent neighborhood event in Vzlet. We proudly displayed our newly printed photographic zine, and our day at the fair was a heartwarming experience. It was a day filled with beautiful music, a vibrant atmosphere, and meaningful interactions with fellow art enthusiasts who kindly acknowledged the dedication and care we put into our creation.

A Day of Inspiration:

The sun was shining, and the air was filled with the aroma of good beer and chlebíčky by Veka boys and the infectious sound of live music by Velvet voices when we arrived at the festival grounds. It was a perfect day to celebrate art in all its forms. Our booth, adorned with vibrant prints from our zine, felt like a sanctuary amidst the bustling festival atmosphere.


A Visual Feast:

Our zine, a labor of photographic love curated by talented designers, photographic teachers, and marvelous binding and printing professionals, is more than just a collection of photos. It’s a journey, a piece of art in itself. What piqued the interest of our visitors was not just the imagery but the careful binding and design that made every page an experience. As we displayed our zine, we couldn’t help but smile as people ran their fingers over the pages, appreciating the craftsmanship that went into it. We owe a huge thank you to our designer Laura Morovska, our photographic mentor Ligia Berg, and reviewers such as photographers Eefje Ludwig, David Gaberle, Andrew Goodall, and all the people at Good Light, Prague, our native photographic crew.

Saturn9 photography

Engaging Conversations:

One of the most rewarding aspects of participating in the fair was the opportunity to engage with our audience. We had nice conversations with curious minds who were drawn to our booth, eager to learn more about the stories behind the photographs and the process of creating our zine. We shared anecdotes about our photographic adventures, the inspiration behind the images, and the magic that unfolds when you combine passion and artistry.

The Binding That Binds:

What truly warmed our hearts were the compliments we received on our zine’s binding and design. It’s one thing to create a beautiful photograph, but it’s another to present it in a way that resonates with people. The delicate experience of flipping and intertwining our zine seemed to transport our visitors to the very moments we had captured, and that, for us, was the ultimate validation. We couldn’t be happier to have found Reformat studio, which ideated and took care of the binding in detail.

A Shared Passion:

Our zine was more than just a product; it was a bridge connecting us to a community of kindred spirits. We met fellow artists, who shared their own creative journeys and stories. We met our booth neighbors, Lucie from Lucie Farka’s pottery, knihy od Dvou antikvariářů, and others. We were also delighted to see the graphic works of, and the leather creations of Hot Contents Leather.

It was a reminder that art is a universal language, that transcends boundaries and brings people together.

A Day to Remember:

As the beautiful trio of violin, caja peruana, and guitar, sang the way into the sunset with beautiful renditions of folk and contemporary music, we couldn’t help but reflect on the day’s experiences. Our participation in the neighborhood event was not just about showcasing our zine; it was about celebrating art and the connections it forges. We left with our hearts full, knowing that our zine had found its way into the hands and hearts of those who appreciated the beauty of storytelling through photography.

In Conclusion:

Our time at the Vzlet neighborhood event was a meaningful part of our artistic journey. It underscored the capacity of art to bring people together, offer inspiration, and stir emotions. As daylight gave way to dusk, we packed our booth and made our way home, cherishing the memories of insightful conversations, shared artistic interests, and the gratifying feeling that our photographic zine resonated with those we had the pleasure of meeting. We’re excited to continue sharing our visual stories with the world.

Thank you, dear festival-goers, for making this day one to remember.



Saturn9 photography
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is a place to think about images. We explore ideas between paper and screen. Words and light guide our photographic wandering. Welcome to our planet.