S9 Talks 01

Saturn9 photography
Published in
4 min readNov 14, 2020

If you wonder what this series of interviews is about, please take 3 minutes to read our intro.

An interview with Kubous.foto

Name: Kubous.foto

Web: @kubous.foto

Photo by @kubous.foto from the Places

What is your favourite photography technique or subject and why?

I dont have one fav technique or subject. For me it is important to take pictures. It doesnt matter if I shoot portraits, nature or something in the streets. I just want to see the light, shadow, shapes and colors.

What is your favourite photograph and why? (taken by yourself or others)

Street scene, 1959, by Saul Leiter

What do you think is currently missing in (your city’s) photographic community? What would you like to see/do to improve it?

There is no city/photo community in Brno:(

Dreamy question: If you won 1 million dollars, what would you like to do with it? (Related to photography)

I would take loooong holidays and take pics all days

An interview with Rima Virbauskaite

Name: Rima Virbauskaite

IG: @rimavirbauskaite

What is your favourite photography technique or subject and why?

My favorite photography technique is large format pinhole photography. I am fascinated by long exposure and mystical, not realistic views obtained with the help of the pinhole camera. I do love to develop film sheets myself and my favorite developer is coffee or plants based developer.

What is your favourite photograph and why? (taken by yourself or others)

There are lots of amazing photos, but the latest discovery for me is Pierre Cordier chemigrams.

Could you share 1 project idea that came up during Covid19 social distancing? (feel free to share any link, so we can also feature your work)

I am currently working on series called “Plants therapy”. This series is about magical plants world, which is so close to us but so little known. Images created with 8×10″ pinhole camera, film sheets developed with Caffenol C and solarized during developing process. I started working with this project before Covid19 social distancing, but thanks to quarantine, I was able to slow down and spend a lot of time observing the plants.

What do you think is currently missing in (your city’s) photographic community? What would you like to see/do to improve it?

It would be nice to have darkrooms, workshops, festivals and other events dedicated to analogue and alternative photography.

Dreamy question: If you won 1 million dollars, what would you like to do with it? (Related to photography)

My dream is artist space with gallery and darkroom.

An interview with Jakub Arpáš

Name: Jakub Arpáš

IG: @jakub_arpas

What is your favourite photography technique or subject and why?

Documentary, street photo. Being able to find an interesting scene, light, unusual composition in boring, simple places was always exciting to me. I’m also very bad at posing people so candids are a way to go for me.

What is your favourite photograph and why? (taken by yourself or others)

I can’t think of any particular photograph, but I love everything Nikita Teryoshin does. He keeps blowing my mind with his work.

Could you share 1 project idea that came up during Covid19 social distancing? (feel free to share any link, so we can also feature your work)

Not really a project, but I finally tried CaptureOne and switched to it. I organized and backed up my photo collection. Covid was also a perfect opportunity to finally try some new setups with off-camera flash. The one thing that I’m really happy about is a small photoshoot of my dog. Here’s my favorite: https://imgur.com/a/8cnJvOC So I guess Covid was all about trying new things and keeping things organized for me.

What do you think is currently missing in (your city’s) photographic community? What would you like to see/do to improve it?

I’m not that familiar with photographic community in my city, so I’d love to see someone active enough to get in touch with various photographers and tried to make some workshop, photowalk, or something like that to get to know each other better.

Dreamy question: If you won 1 million dollars, what would you like to do with it? (Related to photography)

I love the idea of creating a big studio/co-working space for like minded people. Also, obviously, travel and take as many pictures as possible!

Thank you very much!
We enjoyed your contribution and work!
Can’t wait to be able to meet again and take some photographs together!

If you enjoyed it too, share it!

Until the next interview!

Originally published at https://saturn9.eu on November 14, 2020.



Saturn9 photography
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is a place to think about images. We explore ideas between paper and screen. Words and light guide our photographic wandering. Welcome to our planet.