Learning Algorithms and Math In 8 Weeks

Satyam Kulkarni
Published in
3 min readOct 19, 2020

This is NOT a Tutorial Series, but an attempt to learn Algorithm in 8 week as a beginner.

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

A Little Background About Me

I have learned Python, little bit of backend but I was lacking at Algorithms, especially at Solving Problems on Websites like CodeChef, CodeForces, HackerRank. I was not able to solve even an easy problem in 1 day. But as I solved & solved, I improved at basic brute force question but I am still lacking at those algorithmic problems.

Why Algorithms are necessary?

Learning Algorithms is necessary, It will help get a good job, improve problem solving skills, and can take participate in various online competitions. Not only that it can help make your app faster.

Link to a Article

So, I have decided to Learn Algorithms and Data Structure from MIT OCW

What is MIT OCW?

MIT OpenCourseWare uploads MIT Undergraduate, Graduate Lectures Online for FREE to help learn Millions.

Photo by Antoine Dautry on Unsplash

I will be following their 6.042J — Maths for Computer Science Course. It will help me to learn Discrete Maths, Graphs from a Computer Science Perspective. Both Lecturers are very proficient at what they are teaching.

Prof. Tom Leighton

Dr. Marten van Dijk

Professors of MIT OCW 6.042J Course

After learning some Maths, I will head to learn various algorithms from MIT OCW Course 6.006 — Introduction to Algorithms. It is taught by Prof. Srini Devdas and Prof. Erik Demaine. I have watched Prof. Erik’s Dynamic Programming Class Before and I loved the way he simplified the concept.

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

This Course Teaches Various Algorithms and Methods.

If possible, After this I will watch Design and Analysis of Algorithms (6.046J).

After Learning Basic Mathematics and Some Algorithmic, It is time to test it. To Test my Skills, I will participate in Coding Competitions held by CodeChef, CodeForces and HackerRank. Also Google and Various other Orgs holds Competition Every Year to Select Candidates for Interview.

This Article will be incomplete without mentioning GeeksForGeeks — It is a site where there are Infinite Tutorials, Problems. There is so much to learn from this Website. It is like a Wikipedia for Programmers. I Personally use it on daily basis and Also use their practice.geeksforgeeks.com website to solve Problems sorting them by topics.

If you also want to learn Algorithms as a Beginner then you can follow this Guide/Roadmap. See You After 8 Weeks of Learning.



Satyam Kulkarni

I am Satyam Kulkarni, a Professional Web Developer and a content writer and also the Author of DevTekk. I will write about Programming and related Stuff