Still life: Beelzebub (Belzebù), maybe people do not know, was the nickname of Giulio Andreotti, prominent member of the DC (Christian democracy party) in government. 1992

Four-color gum bichromate prints

Massimo Sormonta
Saudade do futuro
Published in
3 min readFeb 10, 2017


Mani pulite”… and other stories.

Mani pulite ( Italian for “clean hands”) was a nationwide judicial investigation into political corruption in Italy held in the 1990s. Mani pulite led to the demise of the so-called “First Republic”, resulting in the disappearance of many political parties.

The gum bichromate is a printing process that has had its peak in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. It is a contact printing process in which the negative must have the same final image size. The image is formed on a sheet of paper for watercolor where it is applied with a brush a mixture of arabic gum, pigment and potassium bichromate. The sheet is exposed, in contact with the negative, to the rays of a UV mercury vapor lamp . Parts taking more light, corresponding to the negative transparencies, harden and adhere to the paper; while the parts that are located under the denser areas of the negative remain soluble in water, where the development of the image takes place. To get real colors I shoot these still lifes with four selection filters: red, green, blue, yellow, receiving four black-white negative and then I print every negative with complementary color; color photography was invented in this way….(the complete procedure can be found here)

I started to practice this difficult technique during the investigation against political corruption called “Mani Pulite” (“Clean Hands”) which so many hopes had turned over the Italian people …. these hopes were totally disregarded, in 1994 Berlusconi was elected to the government … and with this I have said everything … These still lifes are the ironic expression of those days … we were hoping for a better future but, you know, it’s always us that get shafted….

The two guys on the newspaper photo, Giulio e Giuseppe : honest men (so to speak) in comparison to those of today … note handcuffs and scorpion fish …

Craxi, powerful secretary of the Socialist party to the government, was later indicted, but he fled in Hammamet, Tunisia, in exile, where he died years later. These days, in Italy, rehabilitation and sanctification practices have begun…

“Sunday at 11: visits to the prison” note that the oranges in Italy are a must visiting a relative in prison, note also the rasp in the bread at the center of the photo…

Fortunately in 1994 the man of Providence arrives … (you know which side is Providence) … .Silvio !

“Still Life with scorpion fish, shellfish, octopus, and grain ( grain/wheat in Italian slang also means money)” I will not explain who is the scorpion fish, who shellfish, not to mention of the Octopus and someone put the money (grain)..and after they took it away…

Then, disappointed, I also printed other things with this technique, I repeat, very difficult and very long technique… it takes 3 or 4 days for one print…

Fashion photo, 1996
Two calla lilies on a wave horizon and on the right a photo for the Bauer Hotel in Venice
more alternative prints

Photographs by Massimo Sormonta

