How I passed my AWS Certified Developer Certificate with a 96% score

Saurav Sharma
Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2017

It all started with a course I bought on . The course is offered by ACLOUD.GURU which is a Cloud Training Startup. It had thousands of positive reviews and the course was only $10. Not only that I went ahead and bought all 3 Certificate prep pack, AWS Developer, Systems Architect and System Admin. The plan is to get all 3 certs and more.

I started with Developer Associate Course. I watched the videos and took the quizzes and most importantly did the labs.

Doing the labs is the most important thing in my opinion because it gives you an actual idea of what happens in real life. So Making a Virtual Private Cloud(VPC) with Internet gateway, Elastic IP address, Route Tables etc helps you build a picture of the AWS architecture.

One thing to note is that all 3 associate level AWS Certifications overlap a lot. Currently, I’m scheduled to give AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam and a lot of my knowledge was built from doing the Developer course.

I did the quizzes and exams many times. Watched videos on youtube and read the FAQ’s every now and then.

After I finished the Developer Associate Course, I bought a course from BlackSpace Academy also on Udemy who has a great lecture on DynamoDB.

I was also looking at lectures from

Finally, after doing multiple practice exams, I bought the practice exams from

I want to add that I made a lot of notes. Most of them which I never looked at because just writing something does the magical thing of helping your memorize. Stuff like SQS message size limit. S3 object limit etc.

After taking the 6 practice exams twice each and reading explanations for missed questions, I was ready.

I took the test and got 96% and the rest is history.


  • Take a Course from a reputable Instructor( A Cloud Guru , Linuxacademy etc)
  • Read Faq’s on all subjects
  • Take lots of quizzes and exams
  • Make notes on everything you don’t know
  • Watch videos from another course if you don’t understand a topic explained by your main course.

Good Luck and hope you score 100%

