Notes on Amazon Web Services Simple Storage Service (AWS S3)

Saurav Sharma
Published in
1 min readAug 23, 2017
  • S3 is object storage built to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere
  • There is no limit on your account. So you can store an unlimited number of data on s3.
  • Standard S3 is 99.99999999999 % Durable and 99.99% Available.
  • S3 supports virtually any type of data.
  • S3 bucket name must be unique over all regions. Unlike services like EC2 S3 is a global service.
  • There are different kinds of S3 storage class: Standard S3, Reduced Redundancy, Infrequent Access and Glacier.
  • The Limit per object is 5TB but you can upload only 5GB by PUT request. If you have a file larger than that you will have to use MULTIPART UPLOAD API .
  • Each Folder is in S3 is called a BUCKET.
  • You can host a Static website on an S3 Bucket.
  • The name of the bucket must be the same as the domain name for you to host a website on that bucket.
  • S3 Metadata is automatically encrypted.
  • You can enable Versioning to save previous versions of files.
  • You can choose to encrypt data using Server Side Encryption
  • Cross Region Replication(CRR) is an Amazon S3 feature that automatically replicates data across AWS regions.

