My Bread Making Journey

My pandemic-driven bread-and-pastry year in review

Sau Sheong
sausheong’s bake
Published in
11 min readJul 18, 2021


In my day job I’m frequently asked to share my company’s digital transformation journey. I’ve done this digital transformation talk in large and small conferences, from US to London, from Germany to China and of course numerous times in Singapore, both online and in person.

But in the past year, I went through another transformational journey, one that I didn’t think I would have done, until I did.

And that is how I started making bread, and other pastries.

How it all began

To be honest I have no idea what possessed me to start. We (my family) certainly had no equipment or ingredients to start with. Most of our bread were bought from the supermarket or local bakeries. Our kitchen is very small and the undisputed territory of my wife. I turn up mostly to wash the plates after dinner or to get something from the fridge.

But being cooped up at home sometimes do strange things to you. And so it suddenly occurred to me one day that I wanted to make bread. Of course, I had no idea how to. So I did what most people would normally do in this case — I went on YouTube and watched videos of how people make bread.

