Black Lives Matter vs. All Lives Matter

Kameron H.
Savage Sixth
Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2016

What does All Lives Matter Really Mean?

Kameron Hatcher | October 28, 2016

The first time I ever heard the slogan, “Black Lives Matter” was after the death of young Trayvon Martin in February of 2012. This case was when most black people became aware of the unfairness in America. The Black Lives Matter foundation officially initiated on July 13, 2013.

Flickr: Jeff Marcowitz.

According to the Black Lives Matter website, “The foundation is an ideological and political intervention in a world where Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted for demise.”

The Trayvon Martin case was one of the eye openers to the black community that African Americans are not treated equally as others in this world. Trayvon was walking down the street and killed by a neighbor who claimed his life was in danger. Evidence and plain common sense displayed that Zimmerman was unjustified in the killing of young Trayvon Martin. He was found not guilty, raising havoc and division all over the country. There were many peaceful protests.

Even Michael Vick served two years in prison for being charged guilty for fighting dogs. There is justice for dogs in America, but not African Americans?

On the other hand, on April 12, 2015, an incident occurred in Baltimore, Maryland in which 25 year old Freddie Gray was killed while being transported after arrest. This event resulted in anything but peace. The city of Baltimore became the city on fire. Buildings were trashed and ransacked. Businesses were being robbed, and a race of people enraged.

Moreover, police brutality and court injustice are not new to the African American race. Many just do not know about the horrible things that immorally happened to African Americans because it was not on video. In this modern age we can visually view numerous videos of unarmed African Americans be shot by police with their hands up. Why aren’t serious measures being taken?

“Hands up, don’t shoot.” Flickr:

When the slogan, “All Lives Matter” surfaced, many people, including myself became disappointed in America. African Americans are demanding fair treatment and respect, and the “All Lives Matter” slogan attempts to overshadow the effectiveness of the “Black Lives Matter” movement. To majority of the newer generation whom is more accepting, all lives do matter, but by the outcomes of the justice system, black lives do not matter to them.

The Black Lives Matter movement, as stated on the foundation website is not saying that other lives do not matter. This slogan is declaring justice for the lives that are not valued in the social system of America.

If all lives truly mattered in America, the numerous beatings and shootings of African American people would not occur, and the Black Lives Matter movement would have never began.

Kameron Hatcher is a senior in high school. She is an editor of the Savage Sixth publication page. She plans to major in business administration at the University of California, Berkeley.

