Why You Don’t Need Revenge to Have Justice

If you don’t believe in karma and the power of timing, this is your chance to be convinced otherwise.

Mark Higley
Savanna Post Magazine
4 min readMar 19, 2024


“Revenge is a dish best served cold” a quote that’s still being held up as a mantra for people who’ve been wronged in their lives and planning to get back at those who hurt them. However, people neglect other quotes like “While seeking revenge, dig two graves — one for yourself.” “Living well is the best revenge.” because in moments of anger and pain, the wounded party doesn’t have an ounce of rationality and awareness, instead their feelings of frustration and fury lead the way.

People put their minds into silent mode and turn the emotional aspect to a 100. While it’s understandable that no one wants to feel like a fool and feel the person who backstabbed them got away with their heinous act, time is surprisingly merciful and works in mysterious ways.

If you don’t believe in karma and the power of timing, this is your chance to be convinced otherwise. Here are reasons that will make you see things differently and hopefully, make you turn the other cheek instead of wasting your time planning revenge.

What Goes Around Comes Around

Trust me when I say that the wrongdoer’s comeuppance will happen when you least expect it. No one gets away from their awful behavior and acts. It doesn’t need to happen right now so you can feel good and move on, because what’s fascinating about life and fate is that it chooses when you can finally see the downfall of the one who wronged you at the time you need it, not when you want it.

A person’s actions are like a seed planted in soil, evil seeds will grow and let all their venomous nectar spill all over. It takes time, and most importantly….

Patience and Forgiveness Are the Way to a Fulfilled Life

We are all humans and it’s okay to feel angry and sad for what’s happened to you. It’s not always easy to forgive and forget because situations shape the way we approach our lives. That doesn’t mean that we surrender to being let down. The more you get worked up and plan the perfect revenge scenario, you will have lots of time and energy for a small victory. Yes, a small victory. Revenge gives you small boots of happiness and vindication but you’ll feel drained out after.

To plan revenge and act on making everyone who’s wronged you pay for their mistakes is time-consuming and energy-drained, it also means that you’ve given them a twisted victory. Because revenge can also mean that they’ve got you, that their influence is still there and they will feed off that feeling, so if you want revenge, don’t pay attention to them, not even have a fleeting thought about them. They are not worth the energy, what’s worth your passion, hard work, and improvement is you and you only.

Karma Comes in All Shapes and Sizes

Who said that revenge and karma need to be situational or action-based? If you were wronged and people used your good intentions and drained you for all your worth, this will come back to haunt them and it doesn’t necessarily mean it will be repeated in the same situations too.

Allow me to be less vague. Even if you meet a person with little to no conscious, their actions will always haunt them mentally. No one who goes to life and screws up people with malicious intent will escape consequences and not all consequences need to be payback.

From the outside, you’d think that they’re thriving but inside, you don’t know how the guilt is slowly building up. Don’t be deceived by the facades people put up on their social media or in real life, behind closed doors, late at night, in their dreams, their minds are doing wonders. No matter how hard they suppress the guilt, shame, and taunting, the consequences will always peak through.

While words are easily spoken and written, actions and beliefs are hard to follow and do. The best revenge you can do is be the better version of yourself.

You’re not the judge and executioner, time is. Karma works in a way you’ll never understand or get to do, however, what karma does for you is offer you a first-class seat to witness how your life is already better off without these toxic people.

Focus on yourself, if you feel like you need therapy to overcome hardships, there is no shame in doing so. Let go of your anger. Go kick a punching bag, scream, and vent. Live your life and treat this awful chapter of your life as it is, a chapter. It’s a moment in your life, not the defining tell-all.



Mark Higley
Savanna Post Magazine

Mark Higley is a journalist with an eye for the telling detail.