Alamo Area Work Map 11/9–11/15

The Alamo
Save The Alamo
Published in
Nov 3, 2020

Part of Bonham Street, in front of the Crockett Hotel, is closed temporarily for utility work and street improvements. A portion of one of the northbound lanes of Alamo Street, in front of the Menger Hotel, is closed. This closure is temporary.

Several excavation units have been opened inside the Church. The units in and around the Long Barracks have been completed, however the building remains closed as archaeologists use the area for screening and storage of soils until completion of all excavations.

A section of Crockett Street, which runs in front of the Menger Hotel, is closed to vehicular traffic for Alamo Plan phase one construction.




The Alamo
Save The Alamo

Site of the 1836 Battle of the Alamo and Shrine to Texas Liberty