#4 savedroid’s Product Cycle Update

Inside savedroid
Published in
3 min readNov 5, 2019

At savedroid, we are as usual driving at full speed. Time flies and the end of 2019 is right around the corner! Thus, we are making sure to accomplish all our remaining goals set for this year. Let’s cut to the chase!

PayPal Integration
Big news, bigger than the Winter is (not) coming. We broke out the hammers and the drills, and gave savedroid a new funding method — PayPal! This was probably one of the most requested features this year. Implementing PayPal was not easy, however, we took up the challenge and succeeded! To make sure that the process goes smoothly, and everything works flawless, we divided it into three phases:

#1 Phase
We started with disabling the function to connect your credit card. As a result, every active user with a connected credit card won’t be charged anymore.

New users got the most out of the first phase, since they are now asked immediately after registration to select PayPal as their payment method.

#2 Phase
In this phase, we permanently disconnected credit cards of our existing users and at the same time enabled them to select PayPal as a new payment method.

As an invite to continue your financial journey using PayPal, as soon as you update the app and login to your account, a pop-up message will appear. Simply click “Select PayPal”. Then, when you have money to be converted into crypto, you will get a push notification on your smartphone and be able to check out with PayPal.

#3 Phase
Only one more step and we are good to go! The last phase is all about fine tuning the PayPal integration for new and existing users. We’ll also take this opportunity to collect users’ feedback.

What are you up to ­– Saving or Investing?
Since quite some time we are navigating through an intense Experimental Mode. Hence, during the onboarding process, new users are now introduced to two separate paths: saving and investing.

Want to save? Follow the regular procedure of setting up a Wish, combine it with a Smoove and let your savings grow regularly!

Want to invest? Jump immediately to our new top up feature. No need to wait anymore for Smoove execution!

The best part? Once the onboarding process is done, all users get full access to the app functionalities, no matter which path they have taken initially.

With savedroid you can have the best of both worlds!

AppsFlyer up and running
AppsFlyer is an attribution tool. You’re probably wondering now “What the heck is an attribution tool?” Well, ABC of performance marketing, here we go...

An attribution platform basically enables us to track and measure in a proper way our paid marketing efforts. We run campaigns on several channels/ad networks simultaneously (e.g. Facebook, Google Adwords, AppSamurai) and, generically speaking, AppsFlyer collects data from all those places. In a nutshell, now we will be even faster and more accurate when it comes to analyzing marketing data.

It’s been quite some time since we were able to publish a great milestone story. Not every step can be a big one, but each one brings us forward. A special thanks goes to our community! We are thrilled with the support we received this year and hope you stay tuned for the last edition of 2019 — the ride has just begun!

Talk to you soon!

