#5 savedroid’s Product Cycle Update

Inside savedroid
Published in
3 min readDec 10, 2019

It’s again THAT time of the month! Welcome to the last Product Cycle Update of 2019. Christmas is just around the corner and so is the end of the year. It’s a perfect occasion to reflect on the past.
We’ve opened 2019 with the launch of our crypto app and since then the product had its ups and downs. However, with the continuous support of our amazing community we managed to improve our MVP (Minimum Viable Product). Therefore, here we are, officially thanking our users and investors for their active participation and loyal commitment to the project.
Without further ado, let’s get to the updates we made this past November.

Instant Top up
We all know that sometimes “instant” is not exactly instant. We don’t want to be one of THOSE companies. Hence, we’ve given our users a little more speed and a bit more flow.
Pending top ups in your account? That’s a thing of the past! Now when you complete a top up via PayPal, your funds will be converted into crypto in a matter of seconds.
You can race through wishes and nothing will slow down your savings anymore!

PayPal in the Profile Section
The PayPal integration was a long process for us. In order to lead our users smoothly through the implementation of this feature, we divided it into teeny-weeny goals. Smaller bites are always easier to digest.
This month we made some polishes, but improvements on the user experience side of things will keep coming.
Now you can find the redesigned funding method screen in the profile section. In this screen, you can enable and disable PayPal anytime you want.

As mentioned in previous editions of the Product Cycle Update, currently we try to experiment as much as possible.
You probably heard that our crypto app has two paths: saving and investing. The portfolio selection is back again in the investment path and pops up during the onboarding process. You can either ride safely with our AI or trust your own gut — the choice is yours. Nonetheless, if you’d like to avoid the bumpy ride of crypto volatility, you should give our AI a go!
We have also updated the error message in the login screen for users who’ve been previously logged in with other email address. We say goodbye to vague pop-ups!
Moreover, consecutive double clicks on the top up button won’t lead into double charges anymore. Nobody likes to be charged twice by mistake, we get you! ;)

Bug Fixes
Grace Hopper introduced us to the term “bug” — at least in its computing form. Apparently, she used it to describe a malfunction in an early electromechanical computer. Currently, the meaning has evolved with the development of technology. A bug today is an error in a system/code that is producing unexpected results.
We’re happy to let you know you that this month we have fixed a lot of bugs, including:
- The issues in the SVD screen were fixed.
- The app crashed after tapping the “Delete all” button on the “Pending transactions” screen.
- Date and amount was overlapping in the transaction history.
- Smooves that required connection with other apps should now be smoooooving smoothly!

This year was not easy for savedroid. We made mistakes, we learned from it, and we grew. That made us stronger as a team and wiser as individuals. Like a coin has two sides, there is beauty in the struggle and ugliness in the success. At savedroid, we work closely with our community and collaborate with other brands in order to set up trends and start movements. You can become a part of it!

‘Till next year! ;)

Download our apps here and enjoy easy & fast access to cryptocurrencies:
App Store:
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=crypto.savedroid&hl=de

