#6 savedroid’s Product Cycle Update

Inside savedroid
Published in
3 min readJan 15, 2020

Welcome 2020! 🎉🎊

We hope you’ve started off this year on the right foot! New year brings new opportunities and challenges, and our team is incredibly excited to get immersed in it!

As every month, we are happy to share with you details about major improvements and changes we have been working on.

Our holiday gift to you
Thanks to our outstanding visual and UX designers the app received some nice X-Mas theme elements like interactive snowflakes.

Apart from it, we have decided to offer a X-Mas special 50% discount on our fees which run from the 24th — 06th of January. This was the first time we have organized such an action but keep your eyes open — more is yet to come!

WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get)
According to studies, one has only 2.7 seconds to grab somebody’s attention. When it comes to the digital reality, it’s probably only a teeny tiny part of it. In the world where we are bombarded with information, capturing user’s attention has been a major challenge for every company regardless of the industry they are active in. But is interest enough to win a new customer? Surely not! Nowadays, it’s rather the opportunity to try things out. Hence, we have implemented a “tutorial carousel” for new users which enables them prior to signing in to get familiar with the product. Motto of this feature is — What You See Is What You Get.

Display of Wishes and Smooves balance
As a part of an experiment, we have separated Wish and Smoove balance. However, thanks to your feedback we simplified the screens and removed this feature in order to keep it less confusing. Details about your Wishes and Smooves can be found as always under tabs with the same names, while your current balance is displayed under “Savings” tab. The product suited to our user’s personal needs is one of our main goals.

Do it yourself
What an amazing feeling it is to be always in control. Don’t you agree? We get you! As a company providing financial services, we are responsible for your comfort. We want you to feel safe using our product, and what can be more comfortable than being in charge. Hence, we have implemented a new button on your saving screen, so that you can now manually trigger processing of the pending amounts. No need to wait for our pop-up anymore.

Bye-Bye Unicorn Smoove
Surely, you’ve had enough sweetness in your life this past year. Thus, we’re saying goodbye to the famous unicorn Smoove. Don’t be disappointed — we still have a lot of aces up our sleeve!

We have welcomed January with a smile and a glass of champagne. Now it’s time to roll up sleeves and get things done. At savedroid, we strive to make your financial life easier and this is our goal for 2020. We are here because of you and for you, so cheers to our users for always trusting in us. 🍾🥂

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