Meet Joachim, our Positive Mindset Officer

Inside savedroid
Published in
4 min readSep 20, 2019

Joachim brings more than 25 years of experience to savedroid as a global business leader. He worked in a lot of different fields, mainly in the payment and telecommunications industries. He is also experienced in startups, since he works as a business angel in this field. Additionally, he’s a shareholder of the startup Real-Life-Interaction GmbH.

He spent some time in Hong Kong and found there his second home.

When he’s not in the office, he enjoys playing basketball and tennis or simply spending time with his family.

Hi Joachim!

  • Please introduce yourself to our readers.
  • Hi, I’m Joachim, COO of savedroid. I’ve been working with the savedroid team for a year already. I was born in Germany, but I consider myself rather European.
  • Did you work in other industries/fields?
  • My first job, that I got during my school time, was in a hair care industry. That’s where my passion for marketing started. To be honest, I am still using their products *smiles*. Besides that, I have also worked in the travel industry. I have never been a travel guy; however, I became a fan of traveling during that time.
  • What’s your favorite thing about your job and savedroid in general?
  • The fact that I’m coming to the office every morning and I don’t know what will happen excites me the most. I like the diversity of the job, tasks, and responsibilities. That is probably the main driver which makes it easier for me to wake up in the morning *smiles*. Why a startup like savedroid? Well, after so many years spent in huge corporations, I needed a change, and I’ve been really eager to try myself in a more hands-on environment. That is why I have chosen savedroid and I think the idea is cool as well as the team here.
  • What motivates you at work?
  • There are probably two to three things that really motivate me. First would be the idea, I mean the appealing company vision which I have found within savedroid. And of course, the challenge. Second one is the people, they are the most motivating driver for me, because when I am surrounded by boring people I am getting bored as well. Last but not least, comes the success. Success for me is personal or business achievement. I think it is important that people are motivated and are having fun in the process of achieving a goal.
  • If you weren’t working in the fintech space, what other profession would you choose?
  • Personally, I would love to work in the area connected to sports and sport activities. That means, I would search something in that field and no other option. As I got enough experience through my life, I have the possibility to make my own choice. After all, I know exactly what I want and what I don’t want, and I have the right to choose where I want to be.
  • What skill would you like to master?
  • Basketball and tennis, as mentioned multiple times already *laughs*. I always wanted to be a professional player. That didn’t happen unfortunately, but I can still work on my craft and get better.
  • If suddenly 1000 BTC appear in your wallet, what would be the first thing that you’d do?
  • That’s an interesting question *laughs*. Let me think about it. Hmm, not that I do not have any wishes *laughs*, don’t get me wrong. A nice holiday would be probably a good option, or a nice car. Nevertheless, I have a nice car already, but you know how it is. You can always get things that are bigger and nicer. Of course, I would give part of the money to people to support, for example, social activities. And I am not saying it just for the interview, I really mean it *smiles*.
  • Would you rather win a lottery or have a perfect job? And why?
  • Haha that is very good question and is connected to the previous question. I would choose a job, because if you have the right job and you are surrounded with the people you like, you are able to enjoy work every day. It just never gets boring.
  • If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be?
  • I wouldn’t change anything. At the end of the day, during your life, you probably take ten to twenty really life-changing decisions and I wouldn’t change any of mine — I wouldn’t go to different universities or choose another major, neither would I play other sports.
  • Favorite brand and why?
  • A favorite brand. Hmmm. I guess that could be Red Bull. And the reason is that they don’t sell a product, they sell emotions and experiences. Yes, of course they have a bottle of an energy drink, but generally they are supporting sport activities like football, ice hockey, etc. I respect this brand because they created a brand based not on the product and that’s pretty cool. As they earn a lot of money, they might be doing something right *laughs*.
  • What are you most likely to become famous for?
  • I want to be part of the group, however I’m not the kind of person who likes to be in the spotlight. It’s just not that important for me. I would like people to consider me as a person who is supportive, social and always ready to help others. That would make me very happy *smiles*.
  • How do you relax after a hard day of work?
  • The way from the office to the car park takes me approximately 20 minutes. That gives me 40 minutes per day to think things through, or sometimes clear my mind. Family is a very important aspect for me. Even reading through work emails or receiving business calls can be part of my relaxing and calming down process as I am not under pressure. Last but not least, watching sports helps me as well.
  • Thank you very much for your time!
  • No problem, thanks!

