SVD — The Smart Value Dough of savedroid

Inside savedroid
Published in
2 min readOct 8, 2019

When you come across our so-called crypto app, you might not realize that savedroid has its own token — SVD. SVD was created with a clear purpose and you can benefit from it when using our app. Interested? Keep on reading and you’ll get what SVD is in less than 3 minutes!

What is SVD?

SVD is a crypto-token compliant with the ERC-20 standard. Are you wondering “W00t? Sorry, but that’s Chinese for me.”? Don’t worry, if you are not a crypto expert, we should be fairly competent to explain it differently — hopefully in a more understandable way!

All of this technical jargon simply means that it operates in the Ethereum blockchain, and allows you to share it, exchange it for other tokens or transfer it to a crypto-wallet.

What is the purpose of SVD?

SVD is also considered a utility token and was created by savedroid with the intention to be used in our crypto app to pay transaction fees. The advantage of having SVD in your savedroid’s account? Any fees related to your transactions will be deducted automatically from your available SVD balance. In case you don’t hold any SVD, our system will automatically purchase SVD in the same amount of the fees incurred on your behalf.

Although SVD can be bought and sold in crypto exchanges — find which in — ,our token’s main intention is definitely not trading. Keep in mind, SVD is a utility token! So what are we doing to hopefully increase its price in the long-term? We are developing our app and bringing new users through marketing campaigns every week. Moreover, we also burn (aka destroy) all the tokens used to pay the transaction fees.

Our CEO raised this topic in our last AmA. Feel free to listen to the explanation on this and more:

How can I get SVD?

You decided to take a full-out advantage of our app, ha? Smart! Then there are a couple of ways you can get SVD.

There you go. savedroid’s Smart Value Dough (successfully?!) explained in less than 3 minutes. Mission accomplished!

