We Keep YOU Safe

Inside savedroid
Published in
4 min readNov 30, 2018

Nowadays, the internet is perceived as an unsafe place. For how long do you need to exercise your brain in order to remember issues related to viruses and malware, phishing scams and/or breaches in data protection regulations in the last year? 30 seconds? 1 minute? Well, if you are still thinking, does Facebook ring any bells?

However, the first sentence of this article represents a too simplistic perspective. If we were to describe the internet in an also simple way, we would say it is a place to store information. Just like we store objects in drawers. Imagine that you have a very confidential information and you want to protect it. Then, element logic tells you not to leave this document on your desk at work or in an open space and not to tell anybody where you placed it. You rather put it inside of the drawer, lock it, and keep it to yourself. Since nobody knows it is there, nobody will be looking for it. From this example we can withdraw the conclusion that it is up to us, whether we are safe on the internet or not.

How do we ensure savedroid’s apps are safe

To make sure our software is safe, we use Amazon Web Services — AWS, which is not confined by any specific location. It’s a cloud based platform that offers to store the data in a space on the internet. We decided to use this Amazon service and resign from a land-based server due to a few very important reasons.

First of all, the cloud is more flexible. That means that the computing power is almost unlimited there. In other words, memory and space get either bigger or smaller, according to our needs. The cloud is ductile and works like a Play-Doh, which helps us to keep our apps optimized. Whereas, capability of a land-based server is very fixed and limited.

Another important aspect about the cloud is, that it is not based on a specific geographical location. That means if, for some unknown and unexpected reason, suddenly there was no electricity in the whole of Frankfurt, it would not affect our apps at all. It is very unlikely to have no access to the data stored on the cloud, while with land-based servers this scenario is possible. Not only one might lose the access to data, but also the data itself due to some reason might get damaged or even erased, when it comes to land-based servers.

What makes the cloud a very secure storage place is its infrastructure. It enables our software architecture to be based on microservices, which can be improved easily — focussing on simplicity rather than complexity. There is a very simple rule we are following here: Do not put all of your eggs on one basket. Let’s imagine an app as a Lego castle, which consists of many Lego parts. Each part is responsible for something different. Like one brick only for logging in, another brick for logging out, and yet additional ones for choosing the Wishes and for choosing the Smooves. That makes any action separated. AWS CloudWatch is automatically monitoring the software, therefore, once a challenge appears, we can very quickly isolate and fix it, without influencing the other bricks. This is called “separation of concerns”. The bricks, however, are connected to each other, some of them communicate and all together create a very smart organism, controlled of course by a human.

This enables an infrastructure which is easily extensible. A new button or a new functionality can very easily be added to or removed from the microservices.

This explains what our backend developers are responsible for. However, what you see — two apps and three webpages — is a job of our frontend developers. This simple picture illustrates exactly how it looks in reality ;)

Why is this relevant for savedroid’s users?

Well, it is always nice to know, how the software you are using works. Second of all, it is important for users not to have any gaps in the app, which would make them wait longer for an action to be processed. The cloud prevents exactly this kind of situations.

Another major advantage of AWS is very good data protection practices. We are the customer of Amazon, which owns this cloud. Every action taken by a user is marked by a token, which could be a sequence of symbols, letter or numbers. Hence, it is completely anonymous. Every following action will require another exclusive token. It goes on and on. Thanks to that, the data stays secure. We would like to also stress the fact, that we fully respect GDPR.

Last but not least, our AI is also operating within the cloud. Thus, being divided into microservices. This idea of share-out is reflected in the portfolios of our users. Storing the assets that are split makes them safer. Now, not only we provide for you the service of storing your savings safely in different cryptocurrencies, but also our AI will tell you which combination is the most optimal for you at the moment. It couldn’t be easier! Answer yourself a few simple questions: would you be able to do it on your own, and would you have the time and a will to do it?

We want to bring to the market a product that would be useful, unique and will serve the users in the best way possible. We established the software, which is smart, intelligent, secure and we want to offer it you. Why not try it out then?

Let us know in the comments, if this article was helpful for you to understand how our software works, and if the idea of keeping your eggs in different baskets seems appealing to you!

savedroid’s Team

