SaveNode & CardBuyers— Building partnerships for the future

Published in
1 min readSep 13, 2018


While life continues to be a whirlwind, with announcements flying left right and centre out of SaveNode HQ, it’s hard to keep up. Even for me.

With that though, the team is very focused on building partnerships that help the future of SaveNode and bring the most to our users.

This is why finding likeminded projects that bring more functionality to users is paramount in our mission.

So when our community mentioned CardBuyers, who offer a way to use crypto on gift cards such as Steam, Amazon etc etc. it seemed another great way for our users to utilize their profit in a way that gave them more utility.

Chatting with the CardBuyers team and our paths seemed aligned and the rest was very easy.

We are going to be aligning our roadmap to supplement our new partnership with CardBuyers and look forward to bringing more functionality to the SaveNode users.

Welcome to CardBuyers guys to the SaveNode team, we are pleased to have you as a part of the community and greater team.

Remember to follow us on twitter, join our discord, and check out our site.




Crypto investing made easy with SaveNode — the masternode backed app that allows everyone easy access to multiple markets in crypto investing.