Easily upload a file from a url to Dropbox

Madhu Sudhan Subedi
Published in
3 min readMay 22, 2018

You may already know how we upload files to dropbox. For instance, if you need to upload web files, you simply download the files to your computer and then upload them to Dropbox.

Image Source: https://cdn1.techadvisor.co.uk/cmsdata/features/3663035/dropbox__1__thumb800.png

This article originally published on http://web.savetodrive.net/posts/2018-05-22/upload-file-from-url-to-drop-box/ at May 22, 2018

Downloading web files and uploading them again to dropbox takes a lot of our precious time as well as consume disk space on your computer. And if you don’t have a fast internet connection we understand how frustrating it can get.

In this article, you will get an idea on how easily web files can be uploaded to dropbox using direct link and Save To Drive making your life easier.

tl;dr: Visit Save To Drive by clicking this link, authenticate your dropbox by clicking the dropbox icon. Add your web file link url to the input field over there. Select Dropbox service. Check ‘I m not robot’ dropbox and click the orange upload button. Then you’re done.

Steps for uploading web files

  1. Visit the https://savetodrive.net , we are uploading web files using Save To Drive.
  2. You need to authenticate your dropbox account to upload files to your dropbox account, So just click the dropbox icon and complete authentication process. And you’ll see the green check mark in dropbox icon like this.

3. Copy the Link of the any web file, let’s say “https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2018/05/04/21/22/meadow-3375052_1280.jpg” this one is a pixabay’s image link. Just paste this link to the url input field and select Dropbox service.

4. You are almost, Check the ‘I am not robot’ checkbox and click orange color upload button then you can see the uploading progress there. If progress bar shows 100% then you’re done. Cheers ! now you can check your dropbox.

5. You can also change the original file name by clicking the ‘change file name’ checkbox there will be a filename input field there so that you can put any name you want. Similarly, if you want to get notified in email for success/error on upload check the ‘Mail me when upload is success/error’ and fill your email there.

Conclusion: Web files can be saved to Dropbox using direct link with the help of Save To Drive.



Madhu Sudhan Subedi

Software Developer, Movies, TV Series, Liverpool Fan, Cricket Fan, Part Time Blogger….. www.madhusudhansubedi.com.np