Windy Stopnitzky
Savta Care
Published in
3 min readJun 25, 2016


Care Home Benefits for Families and Elders; the Story of Irving

I’m in my late 50’s. I have raised 3 children, been married and divorced, owned businesses, seen many ups and downs in my life, and yet, I can say honestly, that taking care of my parents and grandparents as they aged was one of the most challenging things I’ve ever done! Specifically, the huge weight of guilt at the prospect of taking away their autonomy. Balancing that with keeping them safe is what drives most of us to consider care options for our parents or other loved ones.

Change is hard! Its hard for everyone, but I’m convinced that for most folks, the longer you walk this earth, the harder it becomes! As one loses so many things; health, vigor, friends, spouses, income, etc., what is constant becomes all the more critical for us to cling to, naturally.

I once had a client named Irving (of blessed memory). He’d had a stroke and was coming to my care facility from a nursing home, for rehab in the hopes he could return home after a few months. He needed a higher level of care than his wife, who was also elderly, could provide. His brother brought him in his car, but Irving refused to get out! He couldn’t speak due to the stroke, and was moaning while grasping anything he could inside the car so as not to be taken out by his brother. It was awful! After a week or so, he did settle in beautifully and thrived in our care, I’m happy to say! His wife visited daily, he got a ton of attention from our wonderful caregivers, and loved the food, facility pets, and gardens.

In a few months, with physical therapy and standby assistance, his gait was even enough to walk unattended, and he was able to go home. This time, he clung to me and moaned, not wanting to leave us! He kissed my hands and looked pleadingly into my eyes. I promised him that leaving was a lot like his concern when he came into our care home, that I knew he’d be fine, and that we’d visit him, which we did. I remember Irving whenever I work with someone who is having a hard time with the idea of transitioning into a care home or facility, which is a lot!

Care homes and eldercare facilities provide a level of care that I believe allows families to be a family again! Medication ordering & administering, meals, activities, supervision, even laundry, are all taken care of! Many people have told me its given them their lives back, and their ability to be a son or daughter and enjoy these precious later years in a way you can’t when you’re responsible for the ever increasing needs of your elderly loved one. It gives you peace of mind. Like that commercial says, ‘priceless’.

