Managing Technical Debt

Bogdan Frankovskyi
SavvyClutch Engineering Club
6 min readDec 24, 2014

Martin Fowler has a great explanation of this term and the problem behind it:

Like a financial debt, the technical debt incurs interest payments, which come in the form of the extra effort that we have to do in future development because of the quick and dirty design choice.

Many startups and new projects use quick-and-dirty solutions to achieve their goals as soon as possible, which overcomplicates a project, slows it down, makes it hard to change. I’d like to bring up the most common issues and how to manage them in the most effective way, from my point of view.

There are other common issues on the projects with big TD, but this is the most important and, unfortunately, a heavily underestimated one.

Technical debt does not grow overnight. Sometimes it takes years before everyone starts looking at it. Often this happens because of poor issue management in the engineering team. Leads organize bugs/stories/requests/tasks independently into different lists/projects hiding the real scope of work and make each team member work on several things at once. To avoid this, the team should collect all technical tasks, bugs, and issues in the one list. It will be a huge list (no doubt), but it will show how you really deal with existing Technical Debt, implement features stories at the same time, and help you prioritize it correctly. Keeping things in different lists/boards/projects only hide the real situation. Splitting them to the different project has sense only when the separate teams will work on them.

What do want?

  1. Make user data safe
  2. Isolate and unify environment and configurations to avoid confusions
  3. Add tests infrastructure
  4. Make development more safe by adding high-level tests
  5. Make the delivery process as simple as possible
  6. Cover changed code with tests
  7. Make real debt visible to everyone
  8. Use simple rules to make things clear

TL;DR: Plan

  1. Create an automatic backup for application users data. We don’t want to corrupt user data.
  2. Start using commit strategy and workflow and make sure that everybody in a team understands it. There should be a clear process for publishing changes.
  3. Create/integrate a tool for application requirements management. In these days some frameworks already have it: ruby bundler, npm, etc. Also, OS requirements for testing/production can be managed using containerized solutions like Docker
  4. Create/integrate a tool for configuration management. Some frameworks also have this from-the-box, Rails, for example.
  5. Choose the testing tools
  6. Create Acceptance Test infrastructure, so everybody in a team can create and run high-level tests for application behavior from the user point of view. Usually, it’s the most effective way to cover existing functionality with tests without spending too much time on it. Also, it’s a good way to create documentation on project parts behavior.
  7. Create unit/integration tests infrastructure in your application, so everybody in a team will be able to create and run the tests locally
  8. Build Continuous Integration to run tests on a regular base and collect the metrics from your code.
  9. Build a one-step deployment process. Automatic deployment from CI is the perfect solution.
  10. Use one code style, and useful tool on CI to check it.
  11. Start doing code reviews
  12. Triage and move all technical issues/stories in your issue tracker application to the one list, so you will be able to see the whole picture of your real technical debt and have a realistic plan for it.
  13. Create a template for new issues/bugs/stories in the issue tracker. Without good descriptions in your issues, they became absolutely useless. This is a necessary bureaucracy to save developers time and focus.
  14. Investigate most confusing and effective parts in the application and create a plan to how to make them better. Code quality/complexity measurement tools and services like CodeCov or Coveralls can help you with that.
  15. Start creating tests for all newly created code, and insist on them on code reviews (at least acceptance tests should cover the issue).
  16. Follow the “The Boy Scouts Rule”, create the tests for a part you touch and refactor it. Try to spend on this at least 20% of the time.

LR: Details

So, where is the technical debt most often accumulated? On a new project team usually:

  1. Has no backup automation for data
  2. Fear to make the changes
  3. Has no complete understanding of the application domain logic
  4. Skip unit/functional/acceptance/performance tests, and testing infrastructure at all
  5. Implement manual deployment strategy and infrastructure configuration
  6. Do not track requirements
  7. Configure the Dev environment and onboarding manually
  8. Has no data sampling for dev/QA purposes
  9. Has a lot of “code smells” in the source code, design by committee with a lot of hidden requirements due to lack of refactoring
  10. Has a lot of bugs and requests with the poor descriptions, divided between 3–4 different projects/boards/lists in the issue tracker
  11. Has almost no process or procedures of how to dealing with issues/features

Let me describe a few most important of them.

First of all, we must get rid of the fear of changes.

Data backing — it the most important part to decrease the risk. There is no way to make a lot of changes without mistakes, so team should not fear that their mistakes will result in data loss or corruption, which is, probably, the worst thing that can happen.

Also, developers should be confident that application does what it suppose to do and it does it in the correct way, does not matter what changes in code developers made. The most effective way to do it — create Acceptance Tests. These tests are easy to do and the team will get application logic documented in code and confidence that they don’t break anything big on minor code changes.

Managing the TD in code is more straightforward. Some solutions already covered by the best practices of used languages, tools, and frameworks. It’s not very difficult to identify the problem and engineer the solution, and with the proper testing, risk can be minimal.

Refactoring, test creation and code reviews should be a permanent part of the development process.

From my experience, the most destructive, hard to fix and influencing the speed of development thing is infrastructure. This includes application configuration management, application requirements management, dev environment, deployment process, testing infrastructure (local and CI) and commitment process. Without any of this, the efficiency falls dramatically with no chance to become better.

Without testing infrastructure team can’t create the tests, and, as a result, developers have fear to make the changes. It’s not necessary to become crazy and move all resources to create tests for existing code, but developers have to have a possibility of creating the tests when they can and run in a regular bases.

Without tests, developers can’t effectively refactor code or implement new features without introducing new bugs, so they should do all manual testing which is very ineffective, time-consuming and bad for team morale.
I recommend to start from acceptance tests — with these tests team can cover most important features with the minimal effort, and, even better — get the documented domain logic.

Having this infrastructure will give the opportunity to make project health better over time. Without it, this will likely never happen.

Without configuration management it’s very hard not to introduce bugs on production because of the difference between local machines and production machines and this can cause critical issues for application users.

Without project dependency requirements management it’s impossible to create good deployment and onboarding process, so both can take weeks or, sometimes, month.

Without useful developer environment, developers will spend a lot of time trying to figure out if the particular issue is related to their local environment, or it’s a general issue; some things can’t be run or tested on a local machine at all (for example delayed jobs, file storing in case when it’s configured to store on the third-party resources like S3, mail sending, etc.); will not able to reproduce bugs from other developers or production; it will be hard to implement configuration or new requirements without breaking other team member processes;

Without a simple and understandable deployment process team will have a hard time delivering the fixes and new features, and this can impact application users, which is critical. Technical dept in this process is usually very time-consuming risky and stressful.

Code issues and data sampling issues are simply consequences of infrastructure and process issues. Test, code reviews and code quality measurement tools will help to deal with that.

So, fixing the infrastructure issues and showing the real scope of work is the key to manage the technical debt.

Hope it helps!

Originally published at on April 12, 2017.

