Measuring software engineering competency

Bogdan Frankovskyi
SavvyClutch Engineering Club


Authors: Sergii Naumenko, Bogdan Frankovskyi

Why do we want to measure our competency? Well… because we want to improve. And we have to! The world is rapidly changing: tools, technologies, paradigms, concepts, processes, competitors, crises. We must run to stay in business. We must deliver the product, maintain the quality, meet the budget… But competency and quality measuring are tough! We don’t have rules to assess them. Joel Spolsky tried to build a simple checklist for a team to rate its quality in his famous The Joel Test, but it was almost two decades ago. So let’s stand on the shoulders of giants, and revise it from just the test to a set of rules that can guide us for the better software engineering competency.


The list of rules is splitted in two parts: Obligations and Merits. Each rule is a Yes/No question. “Yes” answer to an “Obligation” gives you 0 points, “No” answer gives you -1 point. “Yes” answer to a “Merit” rule gives you 1 point, “No” answer gives you 0 points. You’ve got the idea, right? Having merits is good, not fulfilling obligations is bad. The resulting sum of points is yours, let’s say, Engineering Competency Score when a negative number means that either your competency is questionable or is going to degrade over time. 0 score means that you follow the professional discipline and capable of producing good quality products. The positive number says that you increase your competency and grow as professionals. Let’s go.


  1. Do you have Continuous Integration?
  2. Do you have a one-step deployment (artifact build)?
  3. Do you use tasks and error management system(s)?
  4. Do you have daily status check-in meetings?
  5. Do you have a short iterational process?
  6. Do you have unit tests with at least 50% (and growing) coverage?
  7. Do you have automated end-to-end tests in DSL?
  8. Do you have an Acceptance Person in your team?
  9. Do you do code reviews?
  10. Do you have a team with 2 pizzas size max?
  11. Do you have less than 2 pizzas meetings?
  12. Do you have a primary communication channel?
  13. Do you have a library?
  14. Do you stick to the “Boy Scout Rule”?
  15. Do you have a person that advocates rules from above?


  1. Do you contribute to Open Source?
  2. Do you adopt something new?
  3. Do you share your expertise with your peers?
  4. Do you share your expertise with the world?
  5. Do you read at least 1 book in 6 months?

Now let’s elaborate a little bit on the items from this list.

Do you have Continuous Integration?

No CI — no automated tests — no quality — bad job. You may have tested but without CI they are useless because sooner or later someone will forget/postpone fixing a broken test, push code without any test coverage, etc. A system that runs the tests regularly, notifies about errors, shows test coverage is a must.

Do you have Automatic Deployment?

The importance of a simple, robust, and safe deployment process is one of the most underestimated things in software development. It may look like we can get away with not having automated deployment just for now and do it later. But when the later become today we have a mess of ad-hoc scripts, checklists, and notes about things that have to be done manually. This mess causes mistakes, very often, on production. The same is true for building artifacts — those builds should be automatically versioned and have a possibility to be delivered by one step.

Do you use tasks and error management system?

We need to track what’s going on in the project and guarantee that defects or tasks won’t be forgotten or overlooked. It doesn’t matter what it is — whiteboard with stickers on it, online tools or something else, but we have to use something to keep things organized and the whole process more transparent for everybody.

Do you have daily status check-in meetings?

Communication is important, keep everybody in the loop but do not bore them with details.

Do you have a short iterational process?

Short process, like weeks or two, keeps the team focused on small and achievable goals.

Do you have unit tests?

We don’t know the better way to make sure that code does what it’s supposed to, then to have another code that runs it and check results.

Do you have automated end-to-end tests (in DSL)?

Unit tests are about keeping up code quality, but they do little help with the overall application quality. It doesn’t matter how good is your code if an application doesn’t do what it supposed to do. Creating end-to-end tests in DSL gives at least two advantages: you will be sure that application behaves as expected and DSL will give you human-friendly documentation about a high-level logic that covers your particular domain. It’s not, actually, necessary to involve a customer and a tester to the process of creating these tests, but it will be much easier to explain application behavior and limitations to them when you have it.

Do you have an Acceptance Person?

Job is done, when Man Who Accepts The Job says so. You should have the person for that, and it’s not necessary it should be customer or owner in terms of SCRUM (which is the best option here) — it could be QA or other developers in your team, but not who participated in particular feature implementation.

Do you do code reviews?

Code review is an extremely useful technique for knowledge sharing, team education, and application quality support if you are doing it right. It’s impossible to keep team code and engineering decisions understandable, organized and with minimum architecture issues without code review.

Do you have a team with 2 pizzas size max?

The two-pizza rule is often credited to Jeff Bezos, founder, and CEO of Amazon. The idea is to keep team communication on a useful level without a big impact on each team member’s focus and stress level.

Do you have less than 2 pizzas meetings?

Most meetings are a waste of time, especially if a lot of people are involved in it. To keep meetings useful, they should be short and have a specific goal. Which will be impossible, if more than 6–8 people have participated.

Do you have a primary communication channel?

It should be one, and only one primary communication channel between team members. These days we have a lot of communication applications and chat services, and it’s very easy to create a mess. You can have some kind of “official” channel (mail, for example), or emergency (SMS/calls) but everything should be in the primary communication channel of choice too.

Do you have a library?

The library does not guarantee that team members will read the books from it, but it should be available if they want to start. When people can talk using the same terminology and with a similar background of knowledge it makes the discussion more productive.

Do you stick to the “Boy Scout’s Rule”?

Leave things better than you found it — a bit of good advice to keep the project healthy. This does not mean you should change everything you touch, but if you see small issues, that can be easily fixed or improved — do it.

Do you have a person that advocates rules from above?

If nobody becomes a pain in the ass the laziness will win.

