Bogdan Frankovskyi
SavvyClutch Engineering Club
3 min readJun 27, 2020

We, engineers, don’t like writing documentation. I’m, personally, suck at it. But what we do like — is to have good documentation for the tools we use. Which is a little bit controversial, isn’t it? This means that most likely we are too lazy to produce docs, at the same time we understand that it is necessary for any good project. I wrote a few tips for myself about how to create “minimalistic but useful” initial documentation from the guy who does not necessarily enjoy the process but wants to get it done.

It’s hard to determine how detailed documentation should be. Too much detail — and documentation becomes outdated in no time. Too little detail — and it is useless. So what should be covered, and what shouldn’t?



First of all, write down what the subject is. It should be clear and concise, so anyone who sees it for the first time can understand what it is all about. For example: “ is a library for configuration management in python apps.”


The next thing to cover is why this tool/project exists, what problem you are trying to solve, and how your team/company uses it. This is a good place to describe why this tool was created in the first place and what’s different compared to the alternatives (if there are any). This part is very important and often skipped, leaving beginners perplexed and bemused by the tool’s existence and wondering why they cannot use the alternative “X” instead. For example:

“React makes it painless to create interactive UIs. Design simple views for each state in your application, and React will efficiently update and render just the right components when your data changes. Declarative views make your code more predictable, simpler to understand, and easier to debug.”


This part is important for the companies, as both contributors and users should know who to call if something unexpected happens. For example: “Maintained by [blablateam], Slack channel: blablateamchat. Tickets and bug reports are welcome here: blablaboard”


“How it works”. This part is extremely important for new contributors and could save hours of code digging and help avoid silly questions. It’s often hard to understand the general workflow used in the code or the architectural idea behind it along with the used third-party resources (cache/DB/configuration etc.). This does not change often, therefore documentation will not become obsolete too soon. Ideally, the workflow should be presented as a diagram; graphic representation is way more expressive than text and will instantly help you understand how it works. Although the text is fine too — it should be covered if the deployment or testing process does not appear to be straightforward. For example:
“Migration tool workflow:
* Load configuration from “config folder” and validate it
* Check connection to DB
* Run DB backup job using Jenkins API: URL
* Apply migration scripts from “folder”
* During the execution, the tool will publish run metrics to Statsd (by default expected on localhost). Metrics descriptions could be found here: URL.”

It looks very simple, and straightforward if you already know how it works. But if you are a new developer, this simple overview could save you loads of time and energy by helping you understand how it works in general, before you face hundreds of implementation issues in code.


Last but not least should be the section describing how to use the tool, test its code, and contribute to it. It is best if this part contains examples.

Hopefully, it helps!

