SayYesMore Team: Rima Patel

Rima Patel
Say Yes More
Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2016

Next up me!

Its me!

How did you find SayYesMore and the Yes Tribe?

I bumped into Dave at Escape the Woods and although I didn’t come along to Yestival (for good reason!) I came along to the first post Yestival meet-up and immediately got a sense that what was being created was pretty special and I wanted in.

What were you doing in the 12 months before you found SayYesMore?

Up until 11th March 2016 I had a full time job at PwC, working in Learning & Development. I was frustrated at the archaic structures in place in big corporates that slow down progress to a crawl and the lack of freedom to try new things. I loved the job and my team, but I had stopped growing and I knew it was time to move on.

What does SayYesMore mean to you?

For me, its about the courage to be yourself and to chase those big dreams. More than that its a community and a support network where those dreams are not only encouraged, but become the norm. Every person I’ve met through the tribe has inspired me by their bravery to feel the fear and do it anyway. I’ve grown in confidence and made more friends than I can count and I hope to re-create that experience for as many others as possible.

Whats been your favourite Yes event/gathering to date?

Our first YesStories was incredible. I helped pull together the event and was on the verge of bursting with joy listening to each and every inspiring story of success, adventure and overcoming adversity.

How did you become part of the Yes team?

As I often do when I get a bit excited, I emailed DC with a thousand ideas of how I wanted to get involved and said Yes when the time was right to jump in head first into all things Yes!

What will you be focusing on over the coming 12 months for Say Yes More? What are your skills/strengths?

I’m passionate about creating and growing a strong, connected community so you’ll see me finding and welcome new tribe members, organising events, writing the story of SayYesMore’s journey, beginning to run workshops and generally talking to all you wonderful Tribers to make sure this thing is build by the tribe, for the tribe.

What are you most excited about in the coming 12 months and why?

YesHQ country and city are what excite me the most. My imagination runs wild with ideas and the potential with having a retreat out of the madness of the city in nature, as well as right in the centre of things in London. For me it feels like what will take the community to the next level.

What else are you up to outside of SayYesMore?

Newly funemployed, I’m exploring a number of different projects, including working with Escape the City, TEDx Brixton, volunteering with The Samaritans, writing and generally rediscovering the sweet spot between what I love to do, what I’m good at and what people are willing to pay me to do!

What is the best way to keep in touch with you?

I’m on all the social medias. You can find me through the YesTribe group on Facebook, on Twitter @ rimpatel7, on Instagram @ poppetino & on Medium on @rimapatel and of course on email at :)



Rima Patel
Say Yes More

Learning Design Consultant @PwC. Prev: Founder, Impactful. Fellow @Year Here, Program Leader @Remote Year , Community Manager @escapethecity.