SayYesMore Team: Terri Witherden

Rima Patel
Say Yes More
Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2016

The SayYesMore team is full of some pretty incredible people, so we thought it would be a good idea to get to know them all a little bit better! First up the gorgeous, ever grinning Terri Witherden.

Terri Witherden :)

How did you find SayYesMore and The YesTribe?

I stumbled into the tribe on my first ever camping experience at the beginning of last year’s SummerSeries event. I loved it (and the people involved) and camped out every week until September after that!

What were you doing in the 12 months before you found SayYesMore?

I was getting more and more frustrated with myself, my job and the impact (or lack of) my life had on the world. I want to make sure I use my time on this planet to its fullest and helping line other peoples’ pockets wasn’t achieving this!

What does SayYesMore mean to you?

SayYesMore means escape and the freedom to choose the life you love. It gives me courage to take on my own challenges and provides me with endless joy and inspiration in the people I am in contact with everyday!

Whats been your favourite Yes event/gathering to date?

Yestival was one of the hardest, yet most rewarding things I’ve done in my life. The air was golden with smiles and love that weekend so I think it has to be my favourite!

How did you become part of the Yes team?

I kept showing up and eventually people came to expect it.

What will you be focusing on over the coming 12 months for SayYesMore? What are your skills/strengths?

I’m a natural communicator (add gin and you’ll never shut me up) and I’m dedicated to helping as many people as possible live their life to their own potential. I want to show people that anyone can be someone through adventure and that your life can be what you want it to be, I’m often found on social media making connections, sharing content and hopefully inspiring a few more YesTribe adventures!

What are you most excited about in the coming 12 months and why?

I’m excited to watch this grow — I can’t wait to make a mark on the world an reach more and more people.

What else are you up to outside of SayYesMore?

Well, inspired by The YesTribe I may have signed up to some pretty big physical challenges — including Ironman Wales! So for now I’m spending my days either running, swimming or cycling around the UK whilst learning about how to make the most of my body. I believe I can do this but it’s looking a little scary now!

What is the best way to keep in touch with you?

I’m often loitering around on Social media (Instagram (@Terrisadventures) and Twitter (@Terrisadventure) in particular. If not drop me a line at and let’s go exploring together!



Rima Patel
Say Yes More

Learning Design Consultant @PwC. Prev: Founder, Impactful. Fellow @Year Here, Program Leader @Remote Year , Community Manager @escapethecity.