A Story of Dramatic Bodily Change

Sayar Life
Published in
2 min readOct 30, 2017

As published on SayarCare.com.

Hair loss sucks.

It’s this slow, torturous path of watching yourself lose something you never had to work for; something no one else seems to need to work for.

It makes you different. It makes you stand out. And not in a good way.

You just wish everyone would have to deal with hair loss because

  1. You wouldn’t be the only one and
  2. You wouldn’t. Stand. Out.

So you try all the things. You go to your (probably balding) doctor and ask him for help. He sort of shrugs sheepishly and tells you to try minoxidil. “Ever hear of Rogaine?”, he asks. “You know, the hair stuff promoted by George Clooney?” So you go and buy some.

And maybe it helps for a little bit of time. But then, gradually, it stops working so well. And you start having side effects that just don’t seem worth it. This time, you head online to see what some of your own research will find. Some people recommend Propecia. You look into it, and find out that the generic version is called finasteride, and that it was originally created to treat benign prostate enlargement. It also stopped hair loss, so they started using it for that, too.

But the side effects you read about sound pretty scary, so you decide not to use it — hey, erectile dysfunction is certainly worse than hair loss.

And so you start with the combover. After a bit it’s on to hats, and then more hats because hats become ubiquitous and repetitive and oh too much to handle on most days.

Maybe it’s time to find something new. Maybe it’s time to find something that actually stops hair loss. Because trust me, it’s out there.


Your Hair

We’re creating a new future, when we’ll look at old photos and laugh.

“Humans used to have hair loss?” we’ll ask incredulously. “Unreal. I can’t imagine what it would’ve been like to go through that.”

The future is here. It’s also hair. Try Sayar Care, and you’ll never look back.

