Here are 4 Tips for Becoming a Long-Term Wanderer. Wanna Wander?

Sayar Life
Published in
3 min readJul 27, 2018

Life is best lived to the fullest. One of the ways to do that is to do what makes you happy. Finding out what makes you happy is a highly personal and a sometimes lengthy process — one that looks different for everyone. People often discover their passions, zest for life, and greater purpose while adventuring outside of their respective comfort zones and seeing the world. So if you want to travel as you seek out new life experiences, here’s a guide to being a long-term wanderer.

1. Home Prep

The first thing you need to do is prepare your home for your departure. You are going to be leaving many valuables behind, so it is best to think about the best way to do this. Throw out all perishables and clean everything thoroughly. Make appropriate arrangements for any pets you may be leaving behind. It would be a good idea to store your precious valuables in a personal safe or at a locked storage facility. You should also consider asking a friend to visit your home from time to time or hire a house sitter while you are gone.

2. Staying in Touch

A wanderer needs to find inventive ways to stay in touch. There was a time when the only option you had was using postcards to update loved ones, and while postcards and letters are still a fun way to connect with everyone back home, it shouldn’t be your only option. Bring a phone simply for phone calls, and if possible, bring another backup smart device (in case something happens to your phone) such as a tablet or laptop which can send email. It may also be worth it to keep a portable wifi device, depending on where you are wandering. Be sure to keep in touch regularly with loved ones, and keep them updated on your location and your adventures.

3. Smart Housing

The next thing you want to pay attention to is your housing. Some people just wander with a backpack and a sleeping tent. For some, this is sufficient; but for others, an extended trip in just a sleeping bag or tent can be uncomfortable. Also, depending on your destination, there may not be many areas of the country that allow camping. Alternatively, some people stay in hostels and hotels, but that can get expensive. If you want to combine your travel expenses and your shelter, you could always rent an RV. If you plan on turning your wandering lifestyle into a more permanent situation, it would be a worthwhile investment to buy an RV, which can be done inexpensively using financing or loans.

4. Cash on the Go

It is important that you figure out a way to make money as you wander. Sure, you can save up a mountain of money beforehand, but you can also make additional cash on the road. Doing odd jobs for cash is a good way to go, and you can use online platforms to help you do that. In true bohemian fashion, you could sell handmade goods that you crafted or give performances to earn some money. You can also make a little money by blogging or vlogging your experiences, selling products online, or taking up online jobs or temp jobs that can be done on the road whenever you need some additional cash. If money is still tight, never underestimate the power of bargaining, haggling, and bartering.

These are just some things you can do to be a successful wanderer. The world is beautiful, and it deserves to be admired. In fact, many people return home with a newfound respect for their environment and connection to the greater world.


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