Removing Trial and Error: Nonstop Simulation in Production

SB250 62
Published in
3 min readDec 8, 2014


Trying something new has always been a gamble for manufacturers. Developing new products or coming up with a new processes often involves a fair amount of costly trial and error, but not anymore. A new generation of simulation tools is providing manufacturers with the ability to come up with new ideas and make their processes far more efficient.


Simulation used to be something done by a few industries that needed to test products before they released them to the market, often for safety reasons, but all that has changed.


Delphine Genouvrier, Product Portfolio Manager at Solidworks, who produces simulation software, explains: “Years ago, only a few types of industries such as automotive and aerospace used simulation, and they would only use it as a validation tool, to check that their products would meet the stresses of the real world.

Delphine Genouvrier,仿真软件Solidworks的产品经理解释道:“几年前,只有少数产业比如汽车和航天会使用仿真软件,它们也只是当作验证的工具,用于用来检查他们的产品能够承受真实世界的压力。”

We are now seeing a big change,” continues Genouvrier. “All product designers use it, and not for validation but as a means of testing ideas and concepts before production.


Three layers to simulation


Yet, simulation has uses beyond just prototyping. A new breed of product lifecycle management tools (PLM) is enabling simulations during all stages of production, allowing the modeling of new ways of doing things, helping manufacturers to change and improve efficiency.


Simulation in production offers the ability to design out process inefficiency, eliminate costs, and maximize revenue and profits,” says Aaron Frankel, Siemens Director of Product Marketing for Manufacturing Engineering Software.

“通过仿真,可以在设计过程中就避免低效率的生产环节、降低成本,最大限度的提高收入和利润。”西门子制造软件工程部市场总监Aaron Frankel说。

He says there are now three layers to simulation: new product simulation that helps with design and ensures you do a good job from the start; simulation that can help you model different processes so you find new ways of doing things; and simulation to support continuing processes, helping to make them more efficient.


And the benefits can be huge. “Without simulation, if you want to try something new you may have to take part of your factory offline. This is costly and you can never fully evaluate a new system this way,” says Frankel.


He adds: “Process simulation enables you to model and predict entire new production systems and evaluate how long new processes will take. You can also take existing processes and look at different ways to reduce costs such as energy consumption, it can give you a better understanding of how you can optimize things.


Information Flow


Frankel says that with the latest PLM systems, information now flows backwards, right down the production chain, enabling changes to be made at each stage of production, so everything can run more efficiently.


You can make all sorts of predictions,” says Frankel. “If you have a sudden high demand for your products, you can forecast whether or not your existing processes can handle it. You can also come up with new ways of doing things better.


He adds that you can simulate everything from shift patterns and how machines will behave under extra stresses, right through to the building of new factories.

他补充道,你可以仿真任何事情,从改变花纹到机器在极端压力下的表现,再到建设新的工厂 — — 什么都可以。

We’ve had customers that run simulations before they build a new plant because they understand the value of this sort of modeling,” says Frankel.


Cost Reduction


Their customers certainly claim they are seeing the benefits. Bühler, manufacturer of ship loaders and unloaders, have been using Siemens Tecnomatix Plant Simulation for some time.


It allows us to easily test different scenarios with little effort,” says Dr Mukul Agarwal, Head of Intelligent Process Operations. “When implementing the suggested sequence identified using Plant Simulation, we found there was a significant reduction in the overall production time and the number of delayed order deliveries was minimized. When translating the expected improvements into an economic benefit, we found an impressive cost reduction.

“他让我毫不费力就能方便的测试到不同的场景。”智能化操作主管Mukul Agarwal博士说,“在我们执行Plant Simulation软件给出的建议时,我们发现总生产时间大大缩短,延迟交付的订单极少。我们发现通过这种方法,可以将期望的改进转化成经济效益这一过程的成本明显降低。”

Siemens believe this sort of simulation is going to be increasingly important for the factory of the future, enabling greater adaptability and flexibility. “Production is always evolving and it can be difficult to keep up. Simulation helps you make changes,” says Frankel. “I think in the future, we will see the merging of simulation and the physical system. We will see plants starting to make decisions on their own.


Delphine Genouvrier agrees. “We are entering a simulation-driven era. Development is being driven by an increase in computing power and I think we will see simulation become more intelligent, perhaps even taken from the hands of the user.

Delphine Genouvrier赞同这一观点:“我们正在进入仿真驱动的时代。不断增长的计算能力正驱动仿真技术的发展,我认为经过用户之手,仿真技术将变得更加智能。”

Originally published at on September 17, 2014.

