A design team full of superheroes

David Leng
SBG Product Design
Published in
3 min readNov 4, 2021

Our design team is full of Superheroes so we thought it was time we all have our very own Superhero card.

Taking inspiration from trading cards by the design team at Figma, Superhero cards give the team an insight into each individual designers strengths and potential development areas by focusing on what we see as our superpower, our weakness and what we would like to be good at in future.

This task follows on from the success of Digital Desks with similar aims of building team cohesion and personal relationships through fun and creativity. Each superhero card was themed in a unique way by the designer after being told to get creative and lean on your interests and inspirations.

How did we run the session?

Every Friday afternoon between 1:00pm-5:00pm the bet tribe at Sky Betting and Gaming are given time for Learning and Development so we decided this slot would be perfect for running our superhero card session.

Prior to the session I created a generic template for each Designer using Figma and saved them in our Design team folder.

The session was structured as follows:

Get creative and complete your Superhero card
The first hour of this session was for the team to break off individually, get creative with their card and complete the prompts.

Superhero card share out
Come back together as a group to share your Superhero card talking through your superpowers and customisations made.

The most enjoyment came from listening to each designer having the spotlight to talk through their card, bringing with it emotion, laughter and new discussion topics. What I think speaks volumes for the tight bond we have in the team was the honesty and openness when speaking about our weakness and potential development areas.

These have already been part of development conversations and helped highlight new areas to go after.

The probable next steps for the design team are to decide who wins in a game of superpower top trumps… It’s an impossible one to judge as you can see from the selection below and we couldn’t be more proud of the talent in this team!

(Problem solving) (Ideation) (Attention to detail) (Strategic thinking & foresight) (Personable power) (Passion for innovation) (Adaptive skillset) (Organisation)

Superhero cards has now become part of our on-boarding tasks for new starters.

Now we have shared our superpowers, it’s time to take over the world…

