How we hire product designers

David Leng
SBG Product Design
Published in
3 min readNov 16, 2021

When hiring it’s not only important we hire the right candidate but it’s equally important the role, the culture and company values are aligned

We have evolved our hiring process for the Sky Bet Design Team after seeing many successful and unsuccessful candidates. We are now in a great position where we can focus on the type of role available and what key strengths and qualities would be perfect for this role and our team.

After hearing many questions asking about our hiring process for Product Design we felt it was important to provide visibility on what to expect at each stage.

Initial introduction and chat

We start our interview process with a 30 minute call usually over zoom with the candidate. This call is about getting to know a little about you and understanding what you want from your next design role.

There will be 2–3 designers from our team present and we will introduce ourselves and tell you more about the role and what you can expect from working within our team.

Our culture at Sky Betting and Gaming is something we are extremely proud of so this stage will also show us if the company would be right for the candidate and vice versa by learning what values are important to you.

Portfolio Presentation

For our second stage you will be asked to present your portfolio to our design team. We want to see 2–3 projects you’ve worked on which show how you’ve solved problems through design thinking. Your presentation will also show us how you communicate and keep your audience engaged whilst keeping to timings.

You will be given 45 minutes to present and asked to leave 15 minutes at the end for questions.

This stage is open for all our design team to attend as we’ve found it’s important to have a consensus for any potential candidates and making sure everyone’s voice is heard.

Design Challenge

Following a successful portfolio presentation you will be invited to complete a design challenge with 2–3 members of our team. For this challenge you will be presented with a problem and given 25 minutes to show us your solution.

This challenge is completed on a whiteboard in our office but more recently we’ve also offered candidates the option to complete it using Miro or FigJam via a zoom call.

From this stage we will have a view on how you make decisions, keep to a tight deadline and work with stakeholders.

Final Q&A

Our final stage will be around 30 minutes of Q&A. We will ask a series of questions which will tell us about your impact in previous roles, how you’ll handle different situations and how you’ll work with stakeholders.

This stage will involve 2 members of our Design Team and one of our Senior Product Managers. We will make sure time is available at the end for you to ask us any final questions.

We make you an offer

After all stages are complete we will gather all final feedback and get together as a consensus group to discuss.

If you are successful we will make you an informal offer usually over the phone from one of our internal recruiters followed by a formal offer sent to your email address.

If we hear the great news you’ve accepted our offer, we start preparing your designer welcome pack and 90 day on-boarding plan.

If you are unsuccessful on this occasion we will send across recommendations for areas of development with ideas to action these to help with your future progression.

We also think it’s important to get feedback on our process from both successful and unsuccessful candidates so we will reach out to see what you enjoyed about our interview process and what we could do better next time.

Join the team

If you are interested in becoming the latest Designer in our fantastic team, view vacancies on our Careers Page.

