Stock Market Scikit-learn Tutorial: Coding

The walk through of scikit-learn: Plot_stock_market tutorial in Python on Linux.

Robert Shaneyfelt


Photo by Yiorgos Ntrahas on Unsplash

For an orientation to this segment, here is the Preface and Instructions:


The tutorial program in python3 provided by scikit-learn is found on Github. My annotations will be bold italic

“”” Beginning of comment area. Terminated by another set of three double quotes next to each other.
Visualizing the stock market structure

This example employs several unsupervised learning techniques to extract
the stock market structure from variations in historical quotes.

The quantity that we use is the daily variation in quote price: quotes
that are linked tend to fluctuate in relation to each other during the day.
“”” Termination of beginning comment.



Robert Shaneyfelt

I received my Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from Trine University. “To write about life first, you must live it.” - Ernest Hemingway