What Is Scabies Infestation? — Research-Based Home Remedies for Scabies

Ibrar khan
Scabies Home Remedies
6 min readJul 24, 2020
What Is Scabies Infestation? — 5 Research-Based Home Remedies for Scabies

Scabies rash is reddish blisters on the skin surface that cause intense itchy state which appears due to microscopic mites burrowing in the outer layer of the skin. Sarcoptes scabiei may tunnel through the skin to lay eggs, which may lead to severe skin damage and aggressive itching that urges the victim to scratch skin.

Burrowed Skin

What are Scabies Mite ?

Parasitic Scabbies Mite

It is an eight legged microscopic parasitic Itch Mite, having strong jaws capable of carving and tunneling in the skin’s upper layer. Female mite lays eggs under the skin that hatches and reproduce more mites.

Short stiff hooked bristles or hairs on mite cause scratches beneath the effected mammal’s skin and rises urge for aggressive itching, eventually damaging the skin badly.

This article explains home remedies for scabies. If you are well aware of the topic then you can skip the intro part.

Is It an Infection?

Scabies is usually perplexed with viral infection but it is an infestation that with great potential to be contagious and can lead to transmissive infection via close physical contact of any sort.

Resulting discomfort, with the passage of time, impacts the quality of life of patients both physically and psychologically. If not diagnosed on time, it may spread in the entire family, which is why most doctors prescribe medications for the whole family.


Photo by Antonika Chanel on Unsplash

Scabies diagnostic procedure usually involves a dermatologist examining the affected part of the skin for possible signs of microscopic mites.

The doctor may scrape the upper layer of skin and deeply observe under a microscope for mites, eggs any possible burrowing signs.

Scabies Treatment and Home Remedies

Scabies is a curable infestation that can be treated by a dermatologist or the patient can perform some practical home remedies to get rid of scabies.

Medications involved in treating it mostly kill the burrowing mites and stop it from further laying eggs under the skin outer layer. There may potential skin itching due to medication itself used for treating Sarcoptes scabiei.

The main Main goal of each medication is to kill mites and stop eggs from hatching that may eventually increase the number exponentially. Newborn mites repeat the same cycle.

Side Effects of Conventional Scabies Treatments

Conventional treatments have a huge tendency of adverse effects based on different body responses of each individual patient. Sometimes scabies rash may get worse after treatment.

Most people try to find home remedies for scabies, as this infestation happened to be around the world since thousands of years, in both animals and humans, so they treated it using natural plants and ingredients.

Note: People facing any medical condition, pregnant and breastfeeding females, please consult with a doctor before you go for any of home remedies for scabies yourself.

Scabies Home Remedies

Home remedial measures are taken into consideration to save yourself from any side effects of clinical treatments.

Still, you have to consider such precautionary measures before applying homemade solutions, as every human body or skin responds differently to different compounds. We will suggest you consider the note below.

Note: Any treatment that you chose, apply it to a small section of skin and observe it for some days, if you get any sign of relieve and improvements then go and apply it to whole effected area. If no sign of improvement, its best to consider consultation with dermatologist.

Note: If you buy any item below from our mentioned links, we will get a small commission that may help us writing more helpful content.

1. Neem Oil

Neem Oil

Neem is a purely natural herb that comes from a tree called Azadirachta indica. It is the seeds of the neem from which the oil is extracted and it contains chloroform that is potent in quickly killing scabies.

Different lab examinations show it has analgesic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory features that help treat critical infestations.

Neem oil is as well rich in the composition of both 4-tetrahydrofuran diester and octadecanoic acid-3 which directly impacts the metabolism of the scabies mites and kills them instantly.

Best Pure Neem Oil

A study of the Indian system of medication shows that neem in combination with turmeric (in a form of a paste) proves to be deadly for infestation mites. The investigation shows that more than 90% of cases were healed and recovered in less than two weeks.

Another study of topical application of neem seeds extract on dogs in Egypt reveals that it rapidly recovered the burrows and rashes on the dogs skin, eventually getting it rid of scabies. Both newly born mites and developed ones were entirely wiped out from the skin.

Neem can be applied to the skin in the form of oil, shampoo, cream, and neem-turmeric paste without any toxic effects.

2. Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree
Tea Tree — Melaleuca Alternifolia

Tea tree oil is extracted from leaves of an Australian plant pronounced as Melaleuca Alternifolia.

Based on this essential research study and its history of remedial benefits, it is found capable of healing and preventing from spreading a range of skin afflictions in both humans and animals, including scabies infestation.

Note: The tea tree oil has best results in healing rashes releaves from itchy condition when used topically, but in certain conditions, it may become highly-toxic if swallowed in high amount. It is not for oral usage.

Tea tree oil with moderate poisonous effects, it is effective and deadly for scabies, when applied over the affected skin. It aids in healing rashes caused by itching and burrowed tunnels. But for eggs that reside under the upper skin layer, it may not work as effectively.

It is also beneficial to mix some drops of tea tree oil spray bottle when spraying room or bedding.

Tea Tree Oil

Scabies sometimes does not stop or improve using typical treatments, but in such circumstances, tea tree oil performed well as studies from NCBI shows. During lab experiments, tea tree oil delivered promising and satisfactory outcomes for treating scabies.

Caution: In exceptional cases, patients may potentially be sensitive or allergic to tea tree oil, so it is recomendded to apply it to a small patch of skin and observe resluts. If there is a propensity of worse effects, stop using it.



Ibrar khan
Scabies Home Remedies

I am pet lover, writer, and love to hike. I have two cute daughters.