SKB — Scala Curry

Leo Benkel
Scala Knowledge Bits
3 min readSep 4, 2020

This article is part of the Scala knowledge bits Series.

Periodically, I will publish new exercises so you can slowly build up knowledge about Scala.

It is designed to be done in a very short amount of time and learn a little bit each day, just to create a routine.

This episode will teach you about Scala Curry.

Hope you are going to enjoy it! It is designed for anyone to learn Scala from scratch and slowly learn, one Bit at a time.

After this Bit, I would love to hear your feedback in the comments down below.

Feel free to join the Discord server as well if you would like some help and support from the rest of our community.

What are we learning today?

Today we are going to learn about Scala Curry !

No, we are not talking about food here.

It is just a fancy way to talk about something simple. It describes the transformation of a method that takes several arguments into a series of function that each take one of those arguments. Simple? Try on the exercise.

Time to try on the exercise on your own and scroll down for more information when you are done or if you are stuck.


Here is an exercise to complete today.

If I did my job well, you should be able to guess by yourself the solution based on what you previously learned and based on the clues.

But if you get stuck, scroll down to get more information.

The goal of the exercise is to replace the ??? by a piece of code so that the exercise compiles and that's how you win! Good luck!

You can fill the exercise right in here:

Or, if it does not load, go on to Scastie (yOTTk60dS4W0xRVsPMejbg).

More information about Scala Curry

In this exercise you will learn (or have learned, if you have already solved the puzzle) about Scala Curry.

See? Simple. Some coding is worth a thousand words!

Writing the code that way has a few advantages.

For instance, you can decompose the function into partially applied functions, like add2 in the exercise. This example is simple, but imagine a complex function that takes a database connector and/or configurations. You could set those arguments, and then only reuse the partially applied function when needed, I like to call it a pre-configured operation.

I also like using it for aesthetics, It allows to use { }like in r3 in the exercise.

And you can have as many arguments chained that way, As well as also combinations, for instance the first block could have 2 arguments and then 1 and then 3 arguments. Use it wisely depending on your needs.

Feel free to go back to the exercise, modify the code to try out new things and get a better intuition for Scala Curry.


I hope you have learned something new or had fun during this Scala Knowledge Bit.

Please ask questions or post feedback in the comments below.

Feel free to try on the next Scala Knowledege Bit.

If you are curious about the previous Scala knowledge Bits, go check it out! 🙂

Originally published at on September 4, 2020.



Leo Benkel
Scala Knowledge Bits

Passionate about Scala, Functional Programming, Data and Teaching.