Diardi Election — Instructions

Hayzam Sherif
Published in
5 min readNov 2, 2022

Hey guys, we hope you’re all doing well.

This article will go over how anyone can participate in the upcoming Diardi elections using the web application we created for it.

The application is available at https://election.scalaproject.io


Create Account

You can create an account on the app just like you would on any other platform and log in with your credentials.

Click the “Register Now” button to fill in the information.

Note that you can use any name you want, but remember that this name will be displayed on the Elections dashboard, and everyone will be able to see it.

We recommend using your Discord username if you have one. For example, MasterMind#2808.


After the registration, you will be redirected to the Elections dashboard.

How does the election work?

Let’s introduce the mechanisms behind the Diardi elections.


vXLA “voting tokens” are simply the same XLA coins you had in your wallet before the snapshot on October 31, 2022.

You don’t have to do anything on your side to swap your XLA coins to vXLA. This has already been done on-chain at the snapshot time.

Those tokens are worth nothing and are only used to vote for applications on the election app.

Elections Process

The elections will end on November 18, 2022.

During this period, you will be able to send your vXLA tokens to the election app to apply to become a Diardi node operator and also vote for the applications.

Obviously, you can vote for yourself!

Remember that 1 vote = 1 vXLA.

After the election period is over, the candidates with the most votes will be elected to become node operators.

XLA Balance

Your current XLA coins always remain in your wallet. You can check by connecting to your favourite remote node or by syncing locally.

The vXLA voting tokens are only available when you are connected to the Diardi remote nodes.


After October 31st, you can send your coins back to any exchange if you want.

Number of node operators

Depending on the number of applications, we are looking for 32 or 64 Diardi node operators.

The Scala team will reserve some nodes for the core team members for testing and development purposes: 4 spots if 32 operators are elected and 8 spots if 64 are elected.

How to apply?

This section will explain how you can apply to become a Diardi node operator.


Anyone can apply to become a node operator, but all candidates must be able to own and operate a server with a public IP address.

The server specifications would be similar to running a Scala node since the proof-of-algorithm is much faster than that of regular blocks.

Thus, even a dual-core server will be plenty, but it will give you the upper hand if you have a faster server with a very stable/fast network. What’s given below will be recommended specifications for a Diardi node:

  • 8 cores
  • 8 GB RAM
  • Minimum of 64 GB of storage

Note: It is strongly suggested to use a VPS for better performance and stability!

If you believe you have all the requirements to become a node operator and you can commit to it, follow the steps below.

1. Retrieve your Deposit Address

Once logged in, you can click on the “Copy Deposit Address” button in the Dashboard to copy your deposit address.

This is the address you will deposit your vXLA tokens to.

2. Deposit your vXLA tokens

-> From the GUI/CLI wallet
Open your GUI or CLI Scala wallet, ensure it is synced and then connect to the remote elections node.


⚠️ IMPORTANT: You must use the election remote node to be able to access your vXLA tokens; if you use a regular remote node and send your real balance to the election wallet, it will be lost forever.

-> From the Telegram wallet
You also can use the Telegram wallet to send vXLA tokens to the election application, and those who have an XLA account will be auto-generated to vXLA. You can verify this by running /balance which will show your vXLA balance

Simply use the following command to the Wallet Bot in Telegram:

/withdraw vxla your_election_deposit_address all

If you want to send only a portion of your balance use the command

/withdraw vxla your_election_deposit_address <amount>

Where amount is the number of vXLA you want to send

3. Vote

Once you have deposited all your vXLA tokens on the application, you can vote for yourself (or someone else if you don’t want to apply to become a node operator) by clicking on the vote button next to your name.

You can click on the “View Votes” button to see all the votes you have cast, and you can click on the “View Transactions” button to see all the transactions that have happened on your deposit address.

You can verify all the vote counts by using the following address, view key, and the remote node above.

Address — SvkGTcFJj6u9qh4Gs6T9QCcvLLh1KV5qhba35fReeC8VDhDzbeSkDySQPVJgKSh6fxH7UNNtLbr6UF9RDSURiE2u2vTDjb9g5

View key — 92c064be19242b8a9f839a10eee2b581a219c859c06111238b8af05399edc208

Candidates Presentation

We want to allow all Diardi Node Operator candidates to introduce themselves and explain why they think they can be significant assets for the Scala project and community.

If you have submitted your application to become a node operator, you can now introduce yourself and provide more information to support your application.

Comment under this Trello card: https://trello.com/c/LclsOxJB/106-diardi-elections-candidates-presentations.

Don’t forget to provide the username you are using in the Elections app!


The candidates with the most votes will be selected to become Diardi node operators. The Scala team will contact the elected operators on Discord or by email.

The details of the following steps will be announced on Discord and Twitter, for example, how to configure the Diardi node.

Happy voting!

Community 👋

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us:

