Let’s Tip Me: Crowdfunding & Tips over the Torque Blockchain.

It is now two months that I develop at my own pace this platform and it is with pleasure that I present it to you.

Ox HaK
4 min readApr 19, 2019


What is Let’s Tip Me?

It is a funding platform that allows anyone to receive funds privately and transparently with the power of the blockchain in order to achieve their goals or simply obtain financial support from their supporters through tips or donations.

Why this name ?

This name is easy to remember and share, as each user will have a dedicated page to receive tips, it will be easy to add his username at the end of the url to share on social networks.

Why is there no logo?

I want to let a professional create a real identity to this platform, because it is not my domain and I remain focused on the code part.

Why did you choose to work around the Torque blockchain?

Torque developers are young, motivated and ambitious with real knowledge, focusing on development. This blockchain offer a strong level of privacy and wants to become as simple as possible for the user, with the possibility to mine from a smartphone and other connected devices.

Where did the idea for this platform come from?

Basically it's an idea of ​​Hayzam, one of Torque's developers, who wanted to let the Torque community add their own idea and get funding for that. Then with the fast progress it was decided to see bigger.

And so what is it possible to do now on this platform?

For now the minimum required for the operation, ie:

Create an account:

You simply enter the necessary information: username, email, password.

Activate your account:

When you confirm the creation of an account, you receive an email with a code to activate your access.


No need to enter something in to the 2FA code field at first login.

Logged in:


Enable 2FA:

Now to login or add a new goal, you need to enter your 2FA code.

My Goals:

Here you can manage all your created goals.

Add a new goal:

Limited goal.
Unlimited goal.

What’s the difference between a limited and an unlimited goal ?

A limited goal sends the funds to your XTC address only when the goal is reached, while an unlimited goal relay all funds as soon as the balance is unlocked after 18 blocks.

Created goal:

Unlimited goal with its transactions history.

Donators copy the address or scan the QRcode to send XTC from their wallet to the goal. Funds appears after 5–10 minutes in the transactions history when they are confirmed on the Torque blockchain.

Successfully reached limited goal.

Email notifications:

When you receive funds or when one of your goals is reached, you will receive an email with the amount received and a link to the concerned goal.

Goals index:

Goals index with all its categories.

What are your future plans?

Other projects of this type are planned, always around the Torque blockchain, for the moment the improvement and the addition of the missing functions of Let's Tip Me will come from day to day, marketing it will come later, also improve the user experience with the blockchain and I will also contribute to the development of the Torque blockchain because I have since yesterday gladly join the core devs team, I am also thinking of decentralization in the future where everyone can very easily deploy their own platform.

Here I hope that this little overview of my creation will have satisfied you, here is its address:



