The Story behind StellitePay

Philip J
Published in
4 min readNov 18, 2018

As many of you have noticed there is a website called „”. We never really confirmed nor declined whether it’s a project from us.

Let me tell you about the StelliteCasino project, our hidden development and a little tech in depth view.

First steps

We started the “StelliteCasino” as a little dice game in the early beginning of the Stellite development to have a use case for Stellite and to test deamon/rpc implementations with PHP on a running website. So we needed a website where you can interact with Stellite and use things like sending/receiving and tracking transactions.

Minimizing effort

We had a few ideas how to accomplish this. (a shop, an exchange?) But creating an exchange or selling clothes for testing purposes would mean a lot of unnecessary effort.

So we came to the conclusion a simple dice website will do the trick. We used it to test the implementation of the Stellite RPC software and offer the user a simple and easy to use integration from Stellite with a real use case.

After a long time of testing and sleepless nights we came up with a working script which fitted all of our needs. Users can send their Stellite to the website and their transactions were reflected by the system. (even with a complete anonymous coin thanks to payment ids which are encoded in integrated addresses) So the users were also able to withdraw their balance back to their wallets. (Like a normal transaction)

A better use case

Discord linking process

The community liked the lightning fast transactions and the possibility to send stellite to other dice game users. After we saw a high usage of this feature we developed a discord bot which was linked with the database. Users were now able to send Stellite via discord to someone who also has linked his discord account to the stellite dice game.

The channel was closed after a while and we kept the project quiet to not get associated with gambling. We were working hard on making a coin which has a way better use case than casino gambling.

The creation of StellitePay

The community is always the best starting point for feedback. We always get fresh inputs and new ideas. One of those ideas was a mobile wallet.

After discussing a lot of opportunities we came to conclusion that we could use the existing “StelliteCasino” backend for the very first Version of StellitePay. After reorganizing the code and simplifying the backend it became clear that we need a new backend.

So we started to write a more API based variant instead of using the integrated databases. Over the next month we developed the whole backend, the API, the StellitePay front-end and a few more features.

The first merchant integration

The website is still online and if you open the website you’ll see a new design and the first StellitePay merchant integration ever.

It does not matter if you have a stellitepay account or not. If you have one you can use the button which opens a popup where you can login and insert the amount of how much you would like to deposit.

After submitting the transaction the window closes and the StellitePay “Casino” account receives your payment instantly.

Since it’s a Merchant account the transaction triggers a web hook which is used for getting the transaction details for reflecting your payment on the “StelliteCasino” website.

For those of you who don’t have an account yet there is still the opportunity of sending your payment to the generated address.

StellitePay integration demo


StellitePay has anonymous, low fee and instant transactions and you have the choice to send to exchange, normal wallet and integrated addresses like the normal wallet and even via email* which opens new possibilities.

The Merchant integration is as simple as it could be since you just have to add 2 lines of code** for the button and the rest is magic.

Thanks for reading!

*the recipient needs a registered account with his/her email on
** a few of the features are still in testing/developing please stay tuned until they are officially released

