Do Scala with Scalac — 7 success stories

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9 min readOct 4, 2020

From challenges to achieving goals — building a complex solution takes time and effort in order to seize all opportunities and deliver a high-quality product. Thinking about all the aspects you have to handle when developing software or making changes to existing ones can be a little overwhelming. Especially when a solution that used to work doesn’t fit your needs anymore and bottlenecks give you sleepless nights. Picking the right partner to help you manage this is a hard nut to crack. Maybe it’s high time to ask other companies about their own experience and recommendations?

When you are considering buying a product that should serve you for a long period, you probably read the producer’s description, do some research, and most importantly look at other users’ opinions. It’s much better to ask a friend who has already used something that you want to buy than to believe a salesperson who praises the product’s features for a living. We agree with this sentiment and want to share a few stories with you. What truly matters, after all, are a client’s feelings about the final results of a project that we’ve worked on together and the cooperation process as a whole.

Although we have already helped 89 companies, we aren’t able to mention all of them within one article. Let us instead introduce you to 7 of our partners who believed in our skills, and see the results of the work that they entrusted to us.

Long-distance relationships that hit the jackpot

Once upon a time…No, it’s not one of those fairy tales, because this is a true story — despite these lands being quite far away from Scalac’s headquarters.

Working with software developers who operate in other time zones tends to be one of the biggest fears of companies. It’s understandable, but it doesn’t have to be noticeable if both the service provider and the client have a similar workflow. Here you can read more about such doubts and the things that truly matter when considering outsourcing. But let’s get back on topic.

Projects straight from Israel

Sometimes a company that offers automation to its clients also needs to polish a few things. Remember the old saying that “a shoemaker’s children are ill-shod”? That definitely doesn’t apply to this collaboration. Indeni is an enterprise that develops network automation software. Their features enable companies from the financial and healthcare sectors to collect massive amounts of data and protect their security infrastructures. Although they are at the top of their field, they decided to use our services.

What Indeni needed was to handle all of the information and provide their clients with top quality services at the same time. We were up for the challenge, but first we made sure that our workflows would match. A special person was responsible for making all aspects of the collaboration run smoothly, with daily updates and constant interaction between Scalac and Indeni reps. Thanks to that, the distance was only a number.

“We found Scalac to be a reliable partner. Their proactive approach of finding solutions was very helpful. Their team is highly competent, easy to work with, and have delivered results that enabled us to meet our business objectives.”

Starting with a brainstorm, 3 experts and our client reps created an action plan to make sure that nothing would be omitted. Then we chose one specialist to be responsible for the overall project and keep in contact with Indeni’s tech leader. We added scale, data persistency and recovery. Thanks to features like Akka (for a fully streaming data system) and Apache Kafka, we utilized the full potential of Scala programming to create a powerful system that could manage-it-all. Finally, a robust and strong technology infrastructure was created.

To conclude, 5 of our experts took care of this project at different stages. If you wish to know exactly how our cooperation looked like, here’s the whole story.

P.S. They’re not our only client from Israel.

The American dream

The story is a bit different when it comes to working with clients from the United States. They certainly aren’t too close either — they aren’t even on the same continent. However, to shorten that distance, we have our own reps in San Francisco. No need to worry about time zones.

The USA was for a long time considered (and still is) to be one of the best software development countries, and a pioneer in the IT sector in general. However, many talented engineers graduate and work in other parts of the world. The statistics reflect this change, ranking China, Russia and Poland in the top 3 places while the US is only in 28th position, when speaking in terms of programming skills. Also, the price of outsourcing to the Silicon Valley can give you the chills, making such cooperation out of the question.

The numbers speak for themselves:as of today, we have worked with 7 US companies and 1 that also has roots in Norway Here are recaps from our cooperations with some of them.

Scalac solutions — a software development company in Silicon Valley

As we’ve already stated, you should believe in users’ opinions not in what marketers say. On Clutch, you can check verified statements about co-operations with our clients — just like the following. When searching the Internet, you might stumble upon older reviews and question their current relevance, but here all of ours are fresh. To avoid any uncertainty, the following comments appeared in February this year — and who can rate services better than a Chief Data Scientist?

Silicon Valley is thought to be one of the most prestigious places in the world for the IT industry. But it doesn’t mean that it’s completely self-sufficient. Experts know where to seek help when they need to leverage their own systems in order to combine specialized skills with cost-effectiveness. That’s where this story begins.

We worked for 2 years on pipe development for the Data Insights Company. During this time we were able to produce high-quality results and allow our client to onboard the processes thoroughly. The pipelines had to combine 5 features: scalability, robustness, being production-ready, resilient and having full-tolerance of all future actions.

“I saw that they were different from other contractors who were contacting me. They were more concrete and to the point. We started with a short project, which turned into a longer collaboration.”

Chief Data Scientist, Data Insights Co.

During the cooperation, we decided to expand the project to produce a truly outstanding final effect. We extended the team from one to three experts and, even though we specialize in Scala programming, we also implemented some Python features. All of this to be certain that the system would be operating smoothly in real-time.

Let’s recap this project with a quote:

“The collaboration was a success. They’re highly competent engineers. They’re oriented to provide the best possible development and highest quality results.”

Chief Data Scientist, Data Insights Co.

Applying Scala to different branches

Moving to digital is a global phenomenon, and thus many companies from different business backgrounds need to implement new solutions. The spectrum is wide, starting from finance and healthcare through to those with IT roots like e-learning platforms, computer software developers and advertising technologies.

Various fields mean separate solutions, and that’s the key to successful collaborations.

Leveraging finances

The digital sphere of the financial sector is growing, and is still expected to expand even more. In 2018 alone 44% of survey respondents had already used a P2P payment method. Moreover, the number of users who use mobile POS systems is expected to reach 74.7 million by 2024. Operating on a powerful and secure platform is key to building a successful business in the fintech industry.

Our collaboration with Cryptonomic started two years ago. Depending on the needs at any particular time, we assigned between 2 and 7 specialists to that project. The goal was to create a robust and stable data based backend engine to handle an ever-growing amount of data constantly being added to the blockchain. We audited their existing code and boosted it to support evolution of the protocol. Here you can see every step of this work.

Why exactly did Cryptonomic choose us?

“We already knew who they were because of their reputation in the Scala community, so we decided to reach out. They could quickly understand our needs to build out the software we needed. We had a great conversation, and their rates were quite reasonable.”

Vishakh Vishakh, CTO

Helping to manage animal rescues

One of our smaller, yet highly important, projects was custom software development for an animal shelter management company. Although all of the work was completed from scratch, our partner said that we exceeded their expectations with a comprehensive approach to building the platform.

The main goal was to create a system to help animal shelters with managing their pets and volunteers. The platform had to be complex, enabling users to set reminders concerning actions like animals’ medical treatments or to enter the dates of their rescues. It was a pleasure for us to make a contribution to a project dedicated to helping animals in need.

“I was really impressed with how thorough the developer was with this project. Not a lot of contract developers would take the time to do test-driven development on the client-side. Overall, it was a breeze for them to do the work and then hand it right back off to us.”

Justin Collier, CTO

Having the back of digital advertising

As consumers, we tend to just see an advertisement and react to it — either positively or not. As business people, we are aware of the elements that lurk in the marketing shadows, especially in the digital era. It’s hard to imagine targeting an audience and getting the most ads without support from ad tech tools.

Tapad is a company with its headquarters in NYC that creates marketing solutions to connect brands with customers across different devices. Scalac engineers had to enhance the enterprise’s offering and integrate with the wider ad tech ecosystem by improving the existing platform and upgrading it with new integrations. Here’s what Tapad’s Senior Software Engineer thinks about Scalac workflow after one a half years of collaboration:

“Personally, I was impressed by the productivity of Scalac engineers, their professionalism, and practice in working in a remote, distributed environment. The team was also highly knowledgeable in the technology stack that they used.”

Pawel Cejrowski, Tapad

We have another client from Denmark who operates in the ad tech field. Our task for them was to create a recommendation engine using what we know best — Scala programming.

“The team at Scalac, Inc. was quick to adapt to any tools we were using. They immediately tried to blend in as if they were members of the actual working teams internally. This was the highlight of the engagement; their team never felt like an external group.”

The Company’s Product Manager

Supporting cloud optimization platforms

No wonder that “optimization” seems to be a buzzword lately. Everyone expects their businesses to constantly grow and their employees to perform their work as effectively as possible. That’s where process automation enters the game, along with companies that can help you with implementing such changes smoothly.

CloudAdmin is the category leader in cloud cost optimization through sources such as data centers and VARs. They needed to create a comprehensive solution from scratch to help data centers reduce the cost of environments in their cloud platforms. Our team developed, tested and implemented new technologies to meet all of the project goals. Our cooperation quickly started to grow and is still ongoing, as we’re constantly adding new features to the system.

“One of the most impressive aspects of working with Scalac, Inc. is the fact that they are incredibly flexible. […] Even when I have tasked engineers with tasks outside their comfort zones, they have risen to the challenge. When I have asked them to work with unfamiliar technology they have passed the bar with flying colors.”

Pawel Gieniec, CEO & Founder of CloudAdmin

They’ve already chosen Scala. What about you?

Here’s where our story is coming to an end. We would love to tell you more about our past projects and clients, but we don’t aim to brag about our excellent team. After all, words are just words. That’s why we would prefer to show you our skills in practice.

Sometimes numbers work better than anything, so let’s present a few for a quick wrap up.

Now it’s up to you If you would like to read more about our work after this sneak peek. Feel invited to check out our blog and case study section, or write to us. It would be a pleasure to answer your questions, so don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any.

As you can see, the reasons to switch to Scala are plentiful. What are yours?

Originally published at on October 4, 2020.

Author Daria Karasek



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Scalac is a web & software development company with 122 people including Backend, Frontend, DevOps, Machine Learning, Data Engineers, QA’s and UX/UI designers