How much are you paying for invalid traffic?

Vlad Drobotun
Published in
1 min readFeb 25, 2021
Invalid traffic

Invalid traffic is siphoning money out of your User Acquisition (UA) budget as you may be paying for irrelevant or low-performing audiences.

Invalid traffic is any activity that doesn’t come from a properly targeted or genuine interested user, and we’ve recently seen a spike in different types of invalid traffic that are permeating UA funnels by combining different aspects of traffic like masked users, issues with campaign setup and targeting, or suspicious creatives.

In our latest post, our team goes in-depth about each of the different types of invalid traffic we’ve discovered so far along with real-life scenarios we’ve found in some of our clients' UA campaigns.

Read all about Masked Traffic, GEO Mismatch, and Ad Manipulation to learn more about how invalid traffic is negatively impacting your UA budget and the ways in which we can help with our recently released invalid traffic feature set that helps you detect and protect against invalid traffic.

Don’t miss our invalid traffic tell-all!

