Machine learning lifecycle

Sabiha Ali
8 min readFeb 19, 2024


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Machine learning life cycle is a process to build an efficient machine learning project.

ML DLC- machine learning development life cycle.

There are many steps to the machine learning lifecycle.

Identify the problem:

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The initial and foundational step in any machine learning endeavor is to identify and frame the problem accurately. This stage is paramount, as it sets the trajectory for the entire project. Given the significant costs associated with machine learning practices, there’s little room for aimless exploration.

Understanding the problem thoroughly ensures that resources are allocated efficiently and that efforts are directed towards addressing the core challenge at hand. It involves delineating the problem scope, defining objectives, and clarifying constraints and requirements.

This meticulous approach not only minimizes the risk of veering off course but also maximizes the likelihood of achieving meaningful and actionable results. Therefore, framing the problem meticulously serves as the cornerstone upon which the entire machine learning journey is built.

Data collection:

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Once we’ve identified and clarified the problem at hand, the next crucial step is gathering data. As machine learning students, we have a plethora of resources available for data acquisition.

Often, data can be readily accessible in CSV format from various websites, simplifying the process significantly. Alternatively, we may need to utilize APIs to extract data, requiring coding to pull information in JSON format, which can later be transformed into the desired format for our analysis.

For more complex scenarios, such as obtaining data from websites where direct access isn’t available, we may resort to web scraping techniques.

However, accessing data directly from an organization’s production database isn’t always feasible, especially if it’s actively being used. In such cases, we establish data warehouses, where we extract, transform, and load the data, utilizing the warehouse as our primary data repository.

Additionally, data may be distributed across various clusters, necessitating the extraction of information from these disparate sources. Therefore, the process of gathering data involves navigating through these various avenues to pinpoint and collect the required data effectively.

Data preprocessing:

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Data preprocessing is a critical phase in the machine learning pipeline, as it ensures that the collected data is clean, consistent, and conducive to accurate model training. Often, the data we gather is far from pristine; it may contain structural issues, outliers, missing values, noise, or discrepancies in formats due to disparate sources.

In this preprocessing stage, several tasks are undertaken to whip the data into shape. These include removing duplicates to streamline the dataset, handling missing values through imputation or deletion strategies, identifying, and addressing outliers that could skew model performance, and standardizing the scale of the data to ensure uniformity across features.

The overarching goal is to transform the raw data into a standardized format, which is readily interpretable by machine learning models. By undertaking these preprocessing tasks diligently, we pave the way for more accurate model training and ultimately enhance the robustness and reliability of our machine learning solutions.

Exploratory Data Analysis:

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In the data analysis phase, we delve deep into understanding the relationships between the input features and the output variable. This involves thorough experimentation with our existing dataset to uncover patterns and correlations.

One key aspect of this stage is visualization, where we represent the data graphically to gain insights. Through techniques like univariate analysis, we explore individual columns, examining distributions, central tendencies, and variability. Bivariate analysis allows us to investigate the relationships between pairs of columns, identifying potential dependencies or associations. Furthermore, multivariate analysis expands this exploration to consider interactions among multiple variables simultaneously.

Detecting outliers is another crucial task during this phase, as these anomalies can significantly impact the performance and accuracy of our models. Additionally, we address challenges such as imbalanced or biased data, ensuring that our analyses are not skewed by disproportionate representation or inherent biases within the dataset.

By rigorously analyzing and understanding our data through various lenses, we equip ourselves with the insights necessary to make informed decisions and build robust machine learning models.

Feature engineering and selection:

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Features, often referred to as inputs in machine learning, play a pivotal role in determining the output of a model. These input columns are essentially the characteristics or attributes of the data that are used to make predictions or classifications.

In the process of feature engineering, we manipulate or create new features based on existing ones to enhance the predictive power of our models. This could involve merging or transforming features to extract more meaningful information. For instance, combining the number of bedrooms and bathrooms to derive a single metric like total square footage can provide a more comprehensive representation of the property’s size.

Furthermore, feature selection is a crucial step in model development where we strategically choose the most relevant features from the pool of available inputs. This involves identifying and retaining only those features that have the most significant impact on the target variable, thus improving model performance and efficiency.

By carefully engineering and selecting features, we optimize the model’s ability to accurately capture relationships within the data and make informed predictions or decisions.

Model Training, Evaluation and Selection:

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Once all the desired features have been collected, the next crucial step is model training. During this phase, we explore various algorithms to assess their performance on the data. It’s rare to rely solely on one algorithm; instead, we test multiple algorithms to determine which one best suit our specific dataset and problem.

After applying each algorithm, we collect the results and evaluate their performance using predefined metrics. These metrics provide insights into how well each model is performing in terms of accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, or other relevant indicators. Based on these performance metrics, we can compare the effectiveness of different algorithms.

Once we’ve identified a promising algorithm, we proceed with parameter tuning. Every algorithm comes with its own set of parameters, akin to settings, which can significantly impact model performance. Through parameter tuning, we systematically adjust these settings to optimize the model’s performance on our data.

By iteratively testing and refining our models, we aim to identify the most effective algorithm and fine-tune its parameters to achieve the best possible performance for our specific problem and dataset. This meticulous process ensures that our machine learning model is robust, accurate, and well-suited to address the task at hand.

Model Deployment:

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Once the model development process is complete, the next phase involves deploying the model into a software application. This application could take various forms, such as a mobile app, desktop app, or website, depending on the intended use case and target audience.

To deploy the model, we typically create a binary file using specialized tools, encapsulating the trained model’s functionality. This binary file is then integrated into an API (Application Programming Interface), which acts as an interface for interacting with the model. The API processes the input using the model, and returns the results in JSON format.

For example, if a user fills out a form in the application, the data is passed to the Python application, which in turn sends a request to the API. The API utilizes the binary file containing the trained model to process the input data and generate the desired output, which is then returned to the user through the application interface.

To host and deploy the model and API, various cloud platforms such as AWS (Amazon Web Services), GCP (Google Cloud Platform), Heroku, etc., are commonly utilized. These platforms offer scalable and reliable infrastructure for hosting applications, ensuring that the model is available and responsive to user requests.


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Testing the deployed model is a crucial phase in the development cycle to ascertain its performance in real-world scenarios. A common method employed for this purpose is A/B testing. In A/B testing, users are randomly divided into two groups: one group interacts with the current version of the model (control group), while the other interacts with an updated version (experimental group). By comparing the outcomes of both groups, we can assess the effectiveness of the updated model.

Should the results of A/B testing fail to meet the desired benchmarks, it becomes imperative to revisit earlier stages of the development process to rectify any shortcomings. This iterative approach ensures that the model is refined and optimized to meet the required standards.

Upon successful completion of testing and achieving satisfactory results, the focus shifts towards optimizing the process. Optimization involves fine-tuning various aspects of the model, such as enhancing its efficiency, scalability, or user experience, to further improve its performance and usability.

Through rigorous testing and optimization, the model can maintain its efficacy and relevance, meeting the needs and expectations of users in diverse real-world scenarios. This iterative cycle of testing and optimization is fundamental to the continuous improvement and evolution of the model.


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Optimization in the context of machine learning involves several critical steps to ensure the continued efficacy and relevance of the model over time.

Firstly, it’s essential to take a backup of both the model and the data at regular intervals. This ensures that in case of any unexpected issues or failures, we have a fallback option to restore the system to a previous state, minimizing downtime and data loss.

Additionally, setting up a model rollback mechanism is crucial. This mechanism allows us to revert to a previous version of the model if any updates or changes lead to undesirable outcomes or performance degradation. By implementing model rollback procedures, we can mitigate risks and maintain the integrity of the model throughout its lifecycle.

Another aspect of optimization involves determining the frequency of retraining the model. Over time, the underlying data distribution may change, rendering the model’s predictions less accurate or reliable — a phenomenon often referred to as “model rot.” To prevent this, it’s essential to establish a retraining schedule based on factors such as data drift, seasonality, or changes in user behavior. By retraining the model at regular intervals, we can adapt it to evolving data patterns and ensure its continued effectiveness in making accurate predictions.

Overall, optimization in machine learning entails proactive measures such as backups, rollback mechanisms, and regular retraining to safeguard against potential issues and maintain the model’s performance and relevance over time.

In conclusion, the lifecycle of a machine learning (ML) project is a dynamic and iterative process that involves several key stages, each crucial for developing robust and effective models.

By Sabiha Ali , Solutions Architect, ScaleCapacity

