Jamf Pro vs. Scalefusion: A Vivid Apple MDM Match-Up for 2024

Abhinandan Ghosh
Published in
6 min readFeb 29, 2024

For enterprises, big or small, irrespective of the industry, the need for robust, intuitive, and scalable SaaS solutions is an absolute imperative. On SaaS lines, organizations worldwide strive to secure and manage a wide range of Apple devices, from iPhones to iPads and MacBooks, ensuring seamless operations and safeguarding corporate data.

Among a host of Apple Mobile Device Management (MDM) options available, we are here to look at Jamf Pro and Scalefusion. Both these solutions have unique offerings tailored to specific organizational needs. This comparative analysis delves into the features, capabilities, and nuances of Jamf Pro and Scalefusion in 2024, offering insights to help enterprises make informed decisions.

Keep in mind that this comparison is based on user reviews. Users include small business owners, enterprise IT admins, and CIOs.

Time to clink the glasses; it’s showtime!

Introduction to Jamf Pro

Jamf Pro Dashboard

Jamf Pro is a leading Apple MDM solution designed to empower IT professionals and end-users with a seamless and secure management experience for Apple devices. It is celebrated for its robustness, offering extensive management capabilities that cater to both macOS and iOS devices. Jamf Pro’s mission is to simplify device deployment, inventory, and security, ensuring that Apple users receive an optimized and cohesive management solution.

Introduction to Scalefusion

Scalefusion Dashboard

Scalefusion is a versatile and user-friendly Mobile Device Management (MDM) solution, catering to a wide range of devices across multiple operating systems, including Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows. Praised for its simplicity, intuitive dashboard, and extensive device management capabilities, Scalefusion positions itself as a strong contender for businesses seeking a comprehensive Apple MDM solution. With a focus on enhancing productivity and securing corporate data, Scalefusion offers a suite of features designed to streamline device management for IT admins and end-users alike.

Jamf Pro vs. Scalefusion: The Comparison

UI/UX & Ease of Use

Jamf Pro: Reviewers frequently praise Jamf Pro’s user interface for its design and navigability, emphasizing its simplicity and functionality, which streamline device management tasks. The platform’s intuitive nature and self-service option significantly reduce the learning curve and administrative burden, allowing users to manage and deploy devices efficiently.

Scalefusion: Users consistently commend Scalefusion for its intuitive and straightforward interface, highlighting the ease of setup and operation. The platform is designed to ensure that users, regardless of their technical expertise, can efficiently manage devices, making it an excellent choice for organizations looking for a user-friendly MDM solution.


Jamf Pro: Jamf Pro excels in device enrollment processes, notably through its seamless integration with Apple’s Device Enrollment Program (DEP). This integration facilitates a zero-touch setup for IT departments, enabling rapid deployment of Apple devices without manual configuration and enhancing the enrollment experience for both administrators and end-users.

Scalefusion: Scalefusion simplifies the device enrollment process, offering flexible options to accommodate various device types and operating systems. Its seamless integration with Apple DEP and support for Managed Apple ID-driven BYOD enrollment ensure devices (corporate-owned and employee-owned) can be quickly and easily brought under management, minimizing setup time and effort.

Device Management Capabilities

Jamf Pro: JamfPro is lauded for its comprehensive device management capabilities. From software deployment and updates to configuring settings and enforcing security policies, Jamf Pro provides IT professionals with the tools needed to manage large fleets of Apple devices effectively. Its ability to push apps to individual devices and manage configurations at scale is particularly valued.

Scalefusion: Reviewers laud Scalefusion for its robust Apple MDM capabilities, which include content management, application management, and remote troubleshooting. Its ability to manage all Apple devices from a single dashboard is particularly valued, offering a unified device management solution that can scale with organizational needs.

Security Features

Jamf Pro: Security is a cornerstone of Jamf Pro, offering robust features that include enforcing encryption, setting up VPN configurations, and managing compliance with company policies. The platform’s capabilities to remotely lock or wipe lost or stolen devices are crucial for maintaining data security. However, some users express concerns over the powerful access granted to admins, which, while beneficial for device management, increases the organization’s attack surface.

Scalefusion: Scalefusion offers comprehensive security features, including data encryption, password enforcement, and the ability to remotely lock or wipe devices in case of loss or theft. The platform’s emphasis on security ensures corporate data remains protected across all managed Apple devices. In addition, Scalefusion supports user management for macOS right from its dashboard, which saves a lot of time for admins.


Jamf Pro: Jamf Pro integrates well with numerous third-party applications and IT ecosystems, enhancing its utility and flexibility. Its easy integration with ServiceNow and compatibility with various directory services underscore its ability to fit into diverse IT environments. However, the need for separate solutions for managing non-Apple devices can be seen as a limitation.

Scalefusion: Scalefusion’s integration capabilities are a strong suit, offering compatibility with a range of third-party applications and services. This flexibility enhances the platform’s utility by allowing businesses to extend their device management capabilities and streamline IT workflows. The various third-party integrations available with Scalefusion include Okta, PingOne, Jira, Freshservice, and more.


Jamf Pro: Specific pricing details are not provided in the reviews, but Jamf Pro’s pricing structure is typically based on the number of devices managed. It’s important for potential users to consider their budget and contact Jamf directly for a quote, as the solution offers tiered pricing that can accommodate different sizes and types of organizations.

Scalefusion: Scalefusion’s pricing structure is designed to be competitive and flexible, accommodating businesses of all sizes. While specific pricing details were not provided in the reviews, Scalefusion is known for offering transparent pricing options, including a free trial and scalable plans that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of an organization.

Why Choose Jamf Pro?

Choosing Jamf Pro means selecting a solution that excels in the management and security of Apple devices, tailored specifically to leverage the full spectrum of Apple’s technology. Its commitment to enhancing the Apple user experience is clear from its exclusive focus on Apple ecosystems, ensuring organizations can maximize their investment in Apple hardware and software. Jamf Pro is, therefore, an indispensable asset for Apple-centric organizations.

Why Choose Scalefusion?

Choosing Scalefusion means opting for flexibility, ease of use, and comprehensive device management capabilities, not just for Apple but for other platforms too. Its customer-centric approach, evidenced by the positive feedback on its support team, further adds to the credibility of the solution. Organizations seeking to streamline their device management processes, reduce IT complexity, and protect corporate data across a diverse array of devices will find Scalefusion to be an invaluable asset.

Final Words

Whether you prioritize specialized management for Apple devices with Jamf or seek the versatility and broad compatibility offered by Scalefusion, the decision should be based on your specific business needs and device management goals.

For those intrigued by Scalefusion’s offering, taking advantage of its free trial could be the first step toward discovering how its features and functionalities align with your organizational requirements, ensuring you make an informed choice in your Apple MDM selection for 2024.

