Scaleout 2.0

Daniel Zakrisson
Published in
4 min readJan 24, 2019

Scaleout provide AI transformation services, cutting-edge machine learning applications, and scalable platforms designed to let data science meet the DevOps culture. As a research and innovation partner, we help you turn your visions into the intelligent applications of tomorrow.

AI technology is now poised to transform every industry and could deliver an additional $13 trillion to global GDP by 2030, averaging about 1.2% GDP growth a year across the period. This would compare with the impact by transformational technologies such as steam during the 1800s, robots in manufacturing in the 1900s, and IT during the 2000s. The current AI shift is driven by one thing — data. As we are going through this transformation, data is rapidly becoming the most valuable asset for businesses.

Data is a key asset

Machine learning drives AI today, and without data, you have no AI. The predictive power of machine learning models is often limited by the availability of curated data of sufficient quality, size and diversity.

Data is a very valuable resource, that in most companies are underutilised. The problem is that most companies don’t understand the future value of their data. Front runners in AI/ML today have a huge advantage, as they develop the skills and knowledge to dominate their sectors in a couple of years from now.

The truth is that only 1–5% of all data is actually used.

All businesses should consider their present and future data as a core asset. Data volumes and velocity will continue to increase, but how is this data collected and best used? What other unique data can an organisation generate? How is the data secured and who has access to it?

“If AI/machine learning and scalable computing are not already at the core of your business, it will soon be.” Daniel Zakrisson, CEO at Scaleout

The cloud and AI

We have worked with several great companies and organisations over the last two years. This and our own experience from cutting edge research has allowed us to identify two core areas we are passionate about and know will help forward-looking businesses today to be the leaders tomorrow; cloud native architecture and AI readiness.

We are in a time of rapid technological change. If AI/machine learning and scalable computing are not already at the core of your business, it will soon be.

Designing simultaneously for flexibility, security, performance, scalability and manageability is challenging. By adopting an open-source centric strategy and by working with cloud native computing principles, it is possible to strike a good balance between these sometimes conflicting objectives. Not only is this cost effective short term, but it also provides the foundation to treat your data as the core asset it is.

AI readiness is both a transformation of the core business approach and a process to implement small pilot projects that let the organisation learn on a technical level. Being an AI front-runner gives the tools to extract the maximum value out of your business both today and the close future.

The Scaleout team

Scaleout started as a spinoff from the Distributed Computing Applications(DCA) Research Group at the Department of Information Technology at Uppsala University. It was co-founded in 2017 by Andreas Hellander, Salman Toor and Ola Spjuth. This team have been part of and led several national and international infrastructure projects in Sweden, while at the same time leading research groups at Uppsala University.

In 2018 Daniel Zakrisson, Morgan Ekmefjord and Jens Frid joined the company as founding partners focusing on business and product development. All three have an extensive background as both tech startup founders as well as working in established companies.

The whole founding team has come together by a deep interest in privacy-preserving and decentralisation technologies. One project that is being worked on is a solution that makes privacy-preserving machine learning useful and valuable in the day to day business.

With our experience, we are now ready to expand Scaleout with a clearer goal. As of today, our job is focused around one thing, help businesses transform into cloud and AI front-runners. The work we do is not about getting a project launched (even if it often starts there), but to help drive a change in mindset and create a strong base for long term business advantage.

“We help businesses transform into cloud and AI front-runners” — Daniel Zakrisson, CEO

Our experts can help you understand the requirements, the optimal use of available resources and build scalable, end-to-end cost-effective solutions. As a research and innovation partner, we help you turn your visions into the intelligent applications of tomorrow.

Want to learn more? Visit Scaleout to read more about our AI labs solution!

The team at Scaleout combines a deep scientific research background in big data, machine learning, scientific computing, and bioinformatics, with real-world business experience as entrepreneurs, product developers and technologists. We are determined to lead this next wave in AI and machine learning.

