Dependency Management — PIP

Satvik Goyal
Published in
7 min readJun 10, 2024

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In this article, we will study pip, the package management system for Python.

At ScaleReal we work extensively on Python/Django Applications and have built a lot of highly scalable applications for various clients of ours.

Here’s a list of everything that will be covered in this article:

  1. What is PIP?
  2. Why do we need PIP?
  3. How to install PIP?
  4. Install python packages using PIP
  5. Helpful pip commands
  6. Troubleshooting

What is PIP?

pip is a package management system for Python that allows users to install and manage software packages written in Python. It simplifies the process of installing and managing Python packages, making it easy for users to find, install, and update packages. It also makes it easy to distribute and share Python packages with others.

What is a package, anyway?

  • In the context of Python, a package is a collection of Python modules or files that are organized together and used to perform a specific task or set of tasks. These modules or files are typically organized in a directory structure and can include code, data files, and other resources.
  • Packages are useful for organizing and structuring code, as well as for sharing and distributing code. They allow you to organize your code into logical and functional units, making it easier to understand and maintain. Packages also allow you to share your code with others, and to use code written by others in your projects. This can save you a lot of time and effort, as you can use pre-existing packages instead of writing everything from scratch.

Why do we need PIP?

  • Pip is a package management system for Python that makes it easy to find, install, and manage Python packages. Without pip, installing and managing Python packages would be a tedious and error-prone process, as you would have to manually download, install, and manage packages and their dependencies. Pip simplifies this process by automating the installation and management of Python packages, making it easy for developers to find and use the packages they need.

Here are some of the main reasons why we need pip:

  1. Simplifies package installation: Pip makes it easy to find and install Python packages from the Python Package Index (PyPI), which is a repository of Python packages maintained by the Python community. This means that you don’t have to manually download and install packages, or worry about compatibility issues. Instead, you can simply use pip to search for and install the packages you need.
  2. Manages dependencies: Pip automatically handles dependencies between packages, which means that it will install any other packages that a package you are installing depends on. This eliminates the need to manually manage dependencies, which can be a time-consuming and error-prone process.
  3. Easy to upgrade and remove packages: Pip makes it easy to upgrade and remove packages. For example, if you want to upgrade a package to the latest version, you can simply use the “pip install — upgrade” command. And if you want to remove a package, you can use the “pip uninstall” command.
  4. Package distribution: pip makes it easy to create and distribute your own Python packages. With pip, you can package your Python code and distribute it to others, who can then easily install and use your package. This makes it easy to share your code with others and also allows others to contribute to your code and improve it.
  5. Flexibility: Pip is also very flexible and can be used in a variety of ways. For example, you can use pip to install packages globally, or you can use it to install packages in a virtual environment. This allows you to have multiple versions of the same package installed, without them interfering with each other.

How to install pip?

  • Pip is automatically installed with Python, so if you have Python already installed on your system, you should already have Pip as well.
  • To check if pip is already installed, open a command prompt or terminal and type the following command:
pip --version
  • If pip is installed, this command will return the version number of pip. If pip is not installed, you will see an error message.

Install Python packages using Pip

To install a Python package using pip, you can use the following command in the command prompt or terminal:

pip install package_name

For example, if you want to install the NumPy package, you would use the following command:

pip install numpy

You can also install multiple packages at once, by providing a list of package names separated by spaces:

pip install package_name1 package_name2 package_name3

You can also specify a specific version of the package that you want to install. For example:

pip install numpy==1.18.1

This will install version 1.18.1 of the Numpy package

You can also use the -r or --requirement flag to install packages from a requirements file. A requirements file is a text file that lists the packages that you want to install, one package per line with a specific version. For example, if you have a requirements file named "requirements.txt".

Suppose this is the requirements file


To install packages in the file run :

pip install -r requirements.txt

Helpful pip commands

Here are some helpful pip commands with examples:

  • pip list: This command will list all the packages that are currently installed in your system. For example:
pip list
Package Version
---------------------- ----------------
asgiref 3.7.2
attrs 21.2.0
blinker 1.4
Brlapi 0.8.3
certifi 2020.6.20
chardet 4.0.0
  • pip show: This command will show information about a specific package. For example, to show information about the NumPy package, you can use the following command
pip show numpy
Name: numPy
Version: 1.26.2
Summary: Fundamental package for array computing in Python
Home-page: <>
Author: Travis E. Oliphant et al.
License: Copyright (c) 2005-2023, NumPy Developers.
All rights reserved.
  • pip freeze: This command outputs the installed packages in requirements format. You can use this command, redirecting the output to a file to generate a requirements file:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
  • pip install --user: This command will install a package for the current user only, rather than globally. This is useful when you don't have administrative access to your system. For example, to install the NumPy package for the current user only, you can use the following command:
pip install --user numpy
  • pip check: This command will check for outdated packages and return a list of packages that are out of date. For example:
pip check
pynacl 1.5.0 requires cffi, which is not installed.

These are some of the most useful pip commands, but pip offers many other features and functionalities as well. It’s always a good idea to consult the pip documentation for more information about available commands and options.


Troubleshooting is an important aspect of using any tool, and pip is no exception. Here are some common issues that may arise when using pip and tips on how to troubleshoot them:

  1. Compatibility issues: Some packages may not be compatible with the version of Python or other packages that you have installed. To resolve this issue, you can try upgrading or downgrading the packages causing the problem or installing a different version of Python.
  2. Conflicts between packages: Sometimes multiple packages may have conflicting dependencies or other issues that make it difficult to install or use them together. To resolve this issue, you can try installing the packages in a different order or using a different version of the conflicting package.
  3. Problems with dependencies: Pip automatically handles dependencies between packages, but sometimes it may need help to resolve all dependencies correctly. To resolve this issue, you can specify the dependencies explicitly in your package’s file or manually install the missing dependencies.
  4. Permission issues: pip might need administrative access to perform some operations, in that case, you might need to run the command prompt or terminal as an administrator.
  5. Network or connectivity issues: pip relies on an internet connection to download packages from the Python package index, if you have a connectivity issue you might face problems downloading packages or upgrading pip itself.
  6. Package not found: If you try to install a package that doesn’t exist or is not available on the Python package index, you will get an error message.

It’s also important to keep your pip version up to date, as many issues can be resolved by upgrading to the latest version of pip. It’s always a good idea to check the error message and try to understand the reason behind it, it’s also a good practice to search for the error message in Google to see if someone already faced the same problem and found a solution.

Overall, pip is an essential tool for managing Python packages, and makes the development process more efficient and less error-prone. By using pip, developers can focus on writing code, rather than managing dependencies and packages.

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If you need any help, you can contact me on LinkedIn or Github.

~Satvik Goyal

