Generative AI Essentials for Project Managers: A Beginner’s Guide

Mamata Joshi
Published in
3 min readJan 12, 2024

Similar to other business functions, Generative AI will be a game-changer in project management. It can help automate routine tasks, generate insights from data, and streamline communication. By incorporating generative AI into their workflow, project managers can enhance their analytical capabilities, automate routine tasks, and gain deeper insights into complex business environments.

Combining AI-driven insights with human expertise is important for more effective decision-making.

Photo by Mojahid Mottakin on Unsplash

What is generative AI?

It is the most commonly used terminology these days and anyone can talk about it. In simple terms, it is the artificial intelligence used to create/generate content. But the understanding can be more deeper than the name. The AI models are used to take data, understand patterns, learn it, and create original output as content.

How does generative AI work?

Consider how the brain functions as an example. When we learn a language, we start by learning the alphabet and form words. Simultaneously, we learn new words and incorporate them into sentences. Similarly, generative AI operates using something known as a neural network, inspired by the human brain. These generative models utilize a type of neural network called a neural model to create data, images, and even music.

Why Generative AI for Project Management is important?

Leveraging generative AI in project management has the potential to be a transformative force! It can assist in various aspects like task scheduling by considering available information resources and timelines, helps in resource allocation, and even predicts potential risks. By analyzing past project data, it can generate insights to optimize workflows and enhance decision-making. Imagine having a virtual assistant that helps you plan, predict, and adapt to keep your projects on track. Pretty cool, right? All you have to do is give accurate commands with sufficient data.

Generative AI can assist with:

  • Automating repetitive tasks like report generation
  • Analyse data sets and generate a summary
  • Suggests corrective actions to stay up to date.

This gives the project manager time to invest in higher-value project management activities.

While going ahead with a GenAI in your project one should keep the following things in mind:

AI model selection and integration

There are multiple tools available in the market and some of them are also free of cost. Google’s Bard, OpenAI’s chatGPT are widely used tools that are even easily available to integrate.

Select a tool as per your necessity and the available information. Choosing the accurate model and tool by defining the objective you want to achieve by integrating it.

Human touch

While GenAI proves to be beneficial, incorporating a human touch remains a significant factor in achieving the desired outcome of a project. A critical aspect of this involves crafting accurate prompts for AI tools like ChatGPT, Perplexity, and Bard. Writing clear, concise, and well-defined prompts can help guide the AI in producing the most relevant and useful results, maximizing the utility of these tools.

Security and Privacy

While GenAI provides unique outputs and can deliver nearly precise solutions, it handles a large amount of data. Therefore, it’s crucial to be mindful of the data you manage. Always implement necessary security measures and access controls when integrating any AI tool. Furthermore, given that these tools are trained on public data, it’s essential to thoroughly vet the output they provide. GenAI tools may sometimes generate text or code that appears correct but isn’t, leading to potential security and privacy issues.

Training the team

GenAI domain is evolving daily at the speed of light. To stay on top of the latest technologies, one should stay updated with new tools and technologies. One should never stop learning and should get hands-on experience with tools. Share knowledge and get guidance from experts in the domain.

Generative AI Tools

Several tools and models have emerged in the field of AI for software professionals. Some notable options can be:

  • ChatGPT by OpenAI
  • BERT by Google
  • BlenderBot by Facebookok
  • Microsoft Bot Framework

With a proper understanding of the opportunities and limitations of Generative AI one can effectively leverage AI to enhance the Project Management process and improve overall project success.

