Managing Encrypted Secrets(Credentials) ๐Ÿ” with Rails6

Sandesh Bodke
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2021


Generally in the application, there are various secret keys and credentials that we need to make use of API keys, Secret keys for eg. AWS CLI login credentials etc.

Letโ€™s talk about rails credentials now,

The way for managing secret keys in the Rails ecosystem itself.
How different this approach is? Well, it will store secrets itself in the application but those are encrypted and to decrypt them we need a master key.

Interacting with credentials:

A set of files were used to manage credentials

  • config/credentials.yml.enc
  • config/master.key

So basically config/credentials.yml.enc is an encrypted file that store credentials, we can safely commit this file to version control systems.

config/master.key contain a key that is used to decrypt config/credentilas.yml.enc This file should be in .gitignore

How To add/update credentials:

By running the following command we can edit/update credentials.

$ EDITOR=vim rails credentials:edit

This command will open the credentials file in decrypted version.

Note: you can change EDITOR anything you want like nano or if youโ€™re in windows use notepad etc.

When we save it, it encrypts again using the same master key.

How To read credentials?

We can access secrets following way,


Rails.application.secrets will retrieve the credentials accordingly to the current rails enviroment.

Note: We need to share samemaster.key to others specifically, so that they can decrypt the secrets.

Managing multi-environment credentials

To create credentials file for other environments like staging, production etc we need to use the following command.

rails credentials:edit --environment production

In Rails6 we can create environment wise secrets and their keys.

This command will create the following files inside the folder of /config

  • config/production.yml.enc
  • config/production.key

For accessing keys we can use the following command



  • By encrypting secrets helps provide data security for sensitive information.
  • Managing secrets for different environments makes it easier.
  • Removes extra overhead for managing secrets.

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Sandesh Bodke
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