What is a QA Sign Off?

Atul Shashikumar
Published in
2 min readJul 17, 2020
Photo by rishi on Unsplash

The formal way of declaring the completion of testing by a QA is Sign Off.

Once the application is tested thoroughly, QA prepares the Sign Off document to acknowledge that they have reviewed and tested the application and now the application is ready for release.

Sign Off document should be sent to respective stake holders via email or any formal communication channel. Usually, the QA, Project Manager, and Business Analyst takes the responsibilities and agrees to the QA Sign Off.

You can go through the below attached QA Sign Off template for reference and modify it as per your need:

Note: If your application doesn’t meet the exit criteria which is mentioned in the test plan and is not stable for the release then you should mention those points in the ‘QA comment’ with proper explanation.

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