Cloud Adoption: Why, When, and How?

Cody Bench
Published in
7 min readJul 20, 2023
Cloud Adoption: Why, When, and How?

Organizations continue to seek innovative solutions to enhance their efficiency, scalability, and security. Cloud computing is a transformative technology that has revolutionized how organizations manage their IT infrastructure and development cycles. The capabilities that the cloud brings to IT teams allow organizations to progress and scale beyond what is capable by an on-premise model.

What is Cloud Adoption?

Cloud adoption refers to the strategic process undertaken by organizations to leverage cloud computing technology in order to achieve scalability, gain visibility into their resources, and mitigate risks. It encompasses a spectrum of levels of adoption depending on the extent to which an organization integrates cloud solutions into its operations. This shift not only involves transitioning products and their associated resources, but also developing a comprehensive model that defines how the organization will most effectively take advantage of the tools and services that the cloud offers. A well-executed cloud adoption strategy also necessitates training for IT and development teams so that they fully understand how to take advantage of the cloud platform, or platforms.

Why Should Your Organization Shift to the Cloud?

Cloud technology has the capability to enhance overall performance of your products and offers immense scalability. With a well-defined strategy in place, your organization can reap massive benefits. By migrating to the cloud, you can significantly reduce risk with the robust security measures, disaster recovery options, and protecting your organization’s data resiliently and securely. It allows for faster processing, improved response times, and high availability.

Additionally, embracing the cloud can open doors to new revenue streams, or growth of existing revenue streams, by enabling your IT and development teams to innovate products and services. The flexibility of the cloud empowers teams with the ability to test their tools without needing to be concerned about the availability of hardware for such testing. Developers are able to work in shorter feedback cycles which allows them to identify issues early on and build at a faster pace than in legacy development workflows.

Cloud adoption streamlines operations by eliminating the need for on-premises infrastructure maintenance which reduces IT management burdens and frees up valuable resources to focus on core objectives and long-term solutions.

Cloud Adoption Frameworks by Platform

Each major cloud platform has published their own cloud adoption framework that is specific to their own platform. This section gives an overview of each framework.

Google Cloud Platform(GCP)’s Cloud Adoption Framework

GCP offers a comprehensive cloud adoption framework that includes four central themes: Learn, Lead, Scale, and Secure.


The ‘learn’ theme focuses on acquiring the necessary knowledge and understanding of GCP’s technologies and potential. GCP provides training resources and hands-on labs to educate organizations on various cloud solutions and best practices. By giving teams the right skills and understanding, organizations can confidently embark on their journey into the cloud.


‘Lead’ revolves around establishing leadership and governance structures to guide the cloud adoption process effectively. GCP emphasizes the importance of establishing a cloud center of excellence, or a CCoE. These measures ensure alignment with organizational goals, facilitate decision making processes, and establish clear ownership and responsibilities. By taking a leadership stance, businesses can streamline their cloud initiatives and drive successful adoption across teams and departments.


‘Scale’ focuses on enabling scalability and agility within organizations. GCP offers a wide array of cloud services and tools that enable businesses to leverage scalable computing power, storage, and networking capabilities. This theme emphasizes the importance of designing scalable architectures, optimizing workloads, and adopting DevOps practices to ensure scalability as the business needs inevitably evolve.


The ‘secure’ theme places a strong emphasis on cloud security and data protection. GCP provides robust security measures. These include encryption, identity and access management (IAM), and threat detection services. The framework promotes a proactive approach to security which advocates for continuous monitoring, compliance, and incident response capabilities to secure sensitive data stores.

Furthermore, GCP’s cloud adoption framework is made up of three phases: tactical, strategic, and transformational. The tactical phase is focused on quick wins and immediate benefits, such as migrating existing workloads to the cloud and optimizing efficiency. The strategic phase involves aligning cloud adoption with long-term business objectives, identifying key projects, and establishing a cloud-first mindset with the organization. The transformational phase aims to leverage the full potential of the cloud, driving innovation, and evolving business processes by adopting the most updated technologies.

By understanding GCP’s themes and following the phases of the framework, teams can fully understand the capabilities of this platform and fully integrate their current workloads as they make the cloud adoption journey.

Amazon Web Services’(AWS) Cloud Adoption Framework

AWS provides a thorough cloud adoption framework that consists of four essential topics: Envision, Align, Launch, and Scale.


‘Envision’ means to create a clear vision and strategy for cloud adoption within an organization. It involves understanding the potential benefits of the cloud, identifying key business objectives, and establishing a roadmap for adoption. AWS offers a wide variety of resources, including whitepapers, workshops, and architecture guides to help organizations envision how cloud technology can best align with their long-term goals and push forth innovation.


‘Align’ emphasizes the importance of synchronizing cloud adoption with the overall organizational strategy and goals. It means assessing existing IT capabilities, identifying areas where cloud technology can add value, and developing a comprehensive plan to ensure a smooth transition. AWS provides tools and services to support organizations in analyzing their current infrastructure, estimating costs, and mapping out the migration process. By aligning cloud adoption with business objectives, organizations can maximize the benefits of AWS services and accelerate their digital transformation initiatives.


The ‘launch’ topic focuses on the actual implementation and migration to the AWS platform. It involves selecting the appropriate AWS services, designing the architecture, and executing the migration plan. AWS offers a range of migration tools, methodologies, and best practices to help organizations seamlessly transition their workloads to the cloud. The launch phase also involves setting up appropriate monitoring and management systems to ensure operational efficiency and optimal performance in the cloud environment.


‘Scale’ addresses the ability to expand resources, services, and capabilities as business needs grow and evolve. AWS provides an expansive range of scalable services which allow organizations to flexibly adjust their resources based on demand. The framework emphasizes the importance of continuous optimization, automation, and leveraging cloud-native services to maximize scalability and cost efficiency. Scaling appropriately lets organizations ensure that their cloud infrastructure can adapt and grow in tandem with their business requirements, enabling them to achieve greater agility and innovation.

Azure’s Cloud Adoption Framework

Microsoft Azure’s adoption framework consists of key stages that shape the adoption plan: Strategy, Plan, Ready, Adopt, Secure, Manage, and Govern.


The strategy stage is where organizations define their vision and objectives for leveraging Azure cloud services. This involves assessing business needs, identifying use cases, and aligning the cloud strategy with overall business goals. Azure provides various resources including tools and workshops to assist in developing a robust cloud adoption strategy that addresses their unique requirements.


The next stage is the plan phase. This involves creating a detailed roadmap for migrating workloads and applications to Azure. This includes assessing existing applications, determining the migration approach, and designing the target architecture. Azure offers migration tools and services such as Azure Migrate to facilitate the planning process and ensure a smooth transition. The plan phase also involves estimating costs, establishing governance policies, and defining key performance indicators to measure the success of the migration.


Once the strategy and plan are in place, organizations move on to the ready phase. They prepare their environment by provisioning Azure resources, setting up networking and security configurations, and ensuring compatibility between on-premises systems and Azure services. Azure provides a wide range of tools, templates, and guidelines to assist with infrastructure setup and readiness. This phase requires careful coordination, testing, and validation to ensure minimal disruption to business operations during the transition.


‘Adopt’ means migrating workloads, applications, and data to Azure. Organizations leverage Azure’s migration services, such as Azure Site Recovery and Azure Database Migration Service to execute the migration. This phase requires coordination between teams, testing, and validation to ensure minimal disruption to business operations during the transition.


Security is a critical aspect to all cloud platforms, and applies to Azure as well. The ‘secure’ phase pushes organizations to implement robust security measures such as Azure Active Directory(AD), Azure Security Center, and Azure Sentinel to protect the organization’s assets and data in the cloud. This step involves establishing security policies, conducting vulnerability assessments, and implementing appropriate controls to guard against threats and ensure compliance with industry regulations and best practices.


The ‘manage’ phase focuses on effectively managing and optimizing Azure resources and services. Organizations leverage Azure Monitor, Azure Automation, and other management tools to gain insights into resource utilization, monitor performance, and automate operational tasks. This step emphasizes the importance of ongoing monitoring, troubleshooting, and continuous optimization to ensure optimal performance and cost efficiency.


Lastly, the ‘govern’ phase establishes governance practices and policies to effectively manage Azure resources and maintain compliance. Organizations should implement Azure Policy, Azure Cost Management, and Azure Blueprints to enforce governance standards, manage costs, and ensure adherence to regulatory requirements. It aims to provide centralized control, consistency, and accountability across the Azure environment.

By following Azure’s cloud adoption framework while working with this platform, organizations can navigate each stage methodically, ensuring a smooth and successful transition to the Azure cloud while maximizing the benefits of Azure services and solutions.

Final Thoughts

Each cloud platform’s adoption framework shapes around the tools and services that each platform offers. There may be more considerations beyond what’s described above, but these frameworks are the basis upon which organizations can, and should, plan their migration. An organization could possibly benefit from a hybrid cloud approach which necessitates referring to multiple adoption frameworks, but focusing on one migration at a time allows for an efficient and successful adoption. Regardless of which adoption strategy your organization decides upon, cloud platforms allow for growth that is almost impossible to attain with any on-premise strategy.

