Introducing: ScaleSCORE IDO Tiers

Published in
3 min readFeb 11, 2022

We’re happy to share details about the new ScaleSCORE tier system that will take effect immediately. The new tier system was designed with valuable input from our community and trusted partners to provide a more flexible and inclusive IDO experience, additional access points, and the ability for Scaleswap to onboard more users and build a stronger ecosystem for all.

How the New IDO Tier System Will Look

This is how the private pool will be allocated under the new tier system for the upcoming Metarun IDO. *Please note that the number of tiers and amount of guaranteed allocation spots will change from IDO to IDO depending on the total raise amount.

Advantages of the New Tier System

  • There will be room for more people to earn guaranteed allocation (a minimum of 400 spots for guaranteed allocations in the Metarun IDO), while access to larger allocations is unchanged for top ScaleSCORE holders.
  • More flexibility for new users just getting started with Scaleswap — with the lowest tier still providing the necessary amount of external tokens required to increase ScaleSCORE dimension #4 (Holding of launched external tokens).
  • Increased motivation to remain active in order to maintain or climb the ScaleSCORE leaderboard.

How it Works

The private pool for each IDO on Scaleswap will now be divided into multiple smaller pools to create a separate pool for each tier.

Tier 1 Private Pool
Tier 2 Private Pool
Tier 3 Private Pool

The number of tiers and amount of guaranteed allocation spots will vary from IDO to IDO.

Phases For Participation

This new structure will include multiple phases for participation that is slightly different from previous IDOs on Scaleswap:

Phase 1: ScaleSCORE holders that applied to participate in the IDO and completed KYC will be whitelisted for the appropriate tier according to their ScaleSCORE ranking. Participants will have 20 minutes to claim their guaranteed allocation in the tier they qualified for.

Phase 2a: If there is still allocation remaining after the first 20 minute window expires (which is always likely to be the case), all addresses that were whitelisted for any tier in the first phase will then be whitelisted across tiers 1, 2, and 3. The remaining allocation in each of those tiers will be claimable to those limited participants on a FCFS basis with each whitelisted address able to participate up to one time per tier.

Phase 2b: Simultaneous to Phase 2a, the next 100 addresses (ScaleSCORE addresses that are ranked 401–500 for the Metarun IDO) will be whitelisted for tier 4 only. This will allow additional lower ranked users an opportunity to get a foot in the door, experience the thrill of participating in an IDO, and increase motivation to build their score for the next IDO!

In Closing

We consider this just the beginning of what’s to come, but a big step towards building a stronger and more sustainable ecosystem. As always, we will continue to analyze and improve the Scaleswap experience. So, if you have any questions or suggestions, be sure to join the conversation on Telegram!

To learn more about Scaleswap and how to participate in your first IDO:




The first truly fair IDO launchpad, focused on transparency and a long-term vision to transform IDOs into a more sustainable & community-driven launch strategy.