Introducing Scaleswap: What We Do and What We Stand For

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6 min readApr 4, 2022

Something magical is happening all around us. The emergence of decentralized finance (DeFi) has revolutionized the way people are making use of traditional financial services. We’ve seen remarkable breakthroughs — showcasing the ability of decentralized networks to not only replace currencies, but to provide an open alternative to every financial tool we use today.

It was an overnight success, years in the making.

A New Era of Opportunity

With the remarkable growth in the blockchain space, the amount of innovation and new ideas being brought to market is at an all-time high. Many of these startups represent lucrative opportunities if you find yourself in a strategic position to participate in early fundraising rounds.

Unfortunately, these early rounds have historically been reserved strictly for friends and family, well-established venture capitalists, and highly valuable strategic partners. The average person is only left with one uninspiring option: wait for the tokens to be listed publicly, where you’re likely to pay a much higher cost to join and support the projects you believe in.

The Rise of The IDO Launchpad

An IDO, or initial decentralized offing, is a new and exciting approach to fundraising. It unlocks doors to these highly-coveted fundraising rounds by allowing the average person to pool capital with other like-minded and passionate members of the crypto community.

Independent and pool-based IDO launchpads have quickly evolved into the most preferred and trusted choice for up-and-coming projects seeking to raise capital, distribute tokens safely and fairly, and build a committed and thriving community in the process.

Cracks in the IDO Foundation

With the IDO fundraising concept proving to be such an attractive solution for builders and DeFi users alike, as well as the rapid success of pioneering IDO platforms, the number of new launchpads has increased significantly.

Unfortunately, the space has become over-saturated with carbon copies of the IDO launchpad 1.0 model — riddled with unsustainable motives, lack of transparency, exploitation of community members, and pure luck-based lottery mechanisms. Being able to obtain guaranteed participation in IDO offerings is purely budget-driven with one basic principle: the more of the native token you hold/stake, the more you profit.

This is simply not fair to the average person. The DeFi and blockchain space is driven and backed by a highly diverse and passionate crowd, among which only a small number of people have a large enough budget to benefit from the existing IDO platform structures. The barrier to entry for a sector that promotes fairness, decentralization, and egalitarian principles, is far too high and centralized.

Over-saturation also presents another problem: there simply aren’t enough high-quality startups to go around for each and every launchpad. As pressure mounts from token holders to launch more and more IDOs, the vetting and quality assurance processes become less stringent, and greater risk is passed onto the community.

“If we’re not careful, the IDO landscape, and all that amazing potential to bring life-changing opportunities to the average person will unravel into the same state where ICO’s (initial coin offerings) collapsed some years ago.”

Introducing Scaleswap

Scaleswap provides fair access to exclusive fundraising opportunities, empowering any average person with the ability to acquire highly sought-after tokens, at the lowest price possible, before they are listed on public exchanges. In return, we simultaneously provide innovative projects with the tools and guidance to crowdsource funding, build reliable partnerships, strengthen their community, and launch to the market in a successful and sustainable manner

How Scaleswap is Different From Other IDO Launchpads

We Care Deeply About Our Community

We’re dedicated to providing fairness, transparency, a low barrier to entry, and community empowerment through our innovative loyalty based scoring system.

The ScaleSCORE Revolution

ScaleSCORE is the first revolutionary step to honor loyal community members. While other launchpads might take one or two purely budget-driven dimensions into account to determine who qualifies to participate in each IDO, ScaleSCORE is a multidimensional scoring system that empowers users based on their contributions and involvement, with the lowest possible impact on actual buying power. This means that with commitment to our mission, the SCA token, and our launching projects, ANYONE can significantly increase their ScaleSCORE over time.

We Care Deeply About the Long-Term Success of our Startups

You won’t find a one-size-fits-all approach here at Scaleswap. We’re entrepreneurs at heart. We love startups and we support each project in a very individual and customized way. In fact, our CVO Nelli Orlova is the founder of Innmind, the number 1 European network for connecting traditional business, technology, and industry startups with investors to innovate, get funding, and launch successfully. With Nelli making the leap into the blockchain startup space with Scaleswap, and her strong connections to investors, prominent VC professionals and rising tech entrepreneurs, you can be confident referring your favorite project to Scaleswap — knowing that we provide our launch partners with compassionate, personalized, one-on-one attention throughout each stage of the process.

Comprehensive Acceleration and Incubation Services

Scaleswap provides far more than typical IDO services. We’re here to ensure that every project in our pipeline, regardless of how far along they are in process, has every necessary resource to develop and launch successfully and sustainably.

Unparalleled IDO Selection Process

We’re the most selective launchpad in the IDO space and we don’t succumb to hype niches. To date, we’ve only approved 1 out of every 60 applications we’ve received. Scaleswap has rejected IDOs that have gone on to launch on other high profile launchpads that are focused on short-term returns. Very few launchpads share our resolve to select projects based on their potential to be successful 1–2 years from now, rather than their ‘pumpability’ at launch.

Multi-Faceted and Innovative Approach

Scaleswap is not a carbon copy of any other platform. We’re not sitting back and letting other people figure out innovative stuff to build and waiting to copy it. We are always working to bring true change and progress to this space.

Pre-IDO Launchpad

We launched the world’s first wrapped NFT Pre-IDO Launchpad. This innovative product provides our community with a creative way (NFTs wrapped with vested tokens) for even earlier access to their favorite upcoming projects, while also providing startups with an extremely valuable tool that allows them to begin building a loyal base of community members (with actual skin in the game) at an earlier point in the pre-launch process. Our Pre-IDO service was designed to dramatically enhance the effectiveness of the actual IDO, and we believe it will ultimately revolutionize the go-to-market strategy for every project in the blockchain space.

Multi-Chain Integration Strategy

Our mission is to deliver the Scaleswap community with the opportunity to seamlessly participate in IDOs of the world’s highest quality projects — regardless of blockchain network. However, we’re not interested in integrating with new chains to merely tick a checkbox. We’re working tirelessly to establish strong relations and partnerships with teams and major players in each ecosystem to ensure that we have the necessary traction to onboard new users and strengthen our IDO pipeline with each integration.

The Scaleswap Team

Last but not least, we believe we have the most passionate and driven team in the IDO space — with the entrepreneurial and business experience, and determination to elevate Scaleswap to the status of being the premier launchpad and accelerator in the blockchain space.

DeFi 2.0 is Here

People are attracted to DeFi for many different reasons, but chief among them is a sincere belief in its power to create positive change. Progress is being fueled by the premise that a re-imagined financial system can exist; one that can bank the unbanked, protect against currency devaluation, expedite transfers of funds across borders, and solve inequalities for all.

However, that premise is not being driven by technology itself. It’s being championed and propelled forward through the tireless effort of the crypto community — a truly special caliber of community that the world hasn’t seen since the early days of the internet.

This is what has always inspired us most here at Scaleswap. Community is the inspiration behind our mission to create a new standard for the launchpad space by providing open access to a truly fair, transparent, and sustainable IDO experience that honors the community, and supports the successful launch of innovative blockchain-based projects.

The future is underway.

Are You Ready?

If you’re inspired by the potential of an IDO launchpad that serves and empowers everyone, everywhere, come join us! Learn how to get started with Scaleswap today!

If you work with a startup and would like to learn more about how Scaleswap can help to strengthen your go-to-market strategy, apply here today!




The first truly fair IDO launchpad, focused on transparency and a long-term vision to transform IDOs into a more sustainable & community-driven launch strategy.