Participating in the Torum IDO on Scaleswap — a complete “how-to” guide

Stanislav Stolberg
Published in
9 min readSep 11, 2021

General Information

Public and Private IDO pools for Torum (XTM token) will open on September 14th at 12pm UTC/8pm HKT. Only whitelisted participants who have also successfully completed KYC are permitted to take part.

The Torum IDO is hosted on Please be aware of scams, fake websites, and impersonators!

The IDO event will be conducted on the Polygon network (formerly Matic) and the pool will have WETH/XTM as swap pairs. Therefore, you will need WETH (a wrapped version of ETH on the Polygon network) in order to participate.

There are several ways to obtain WETH (PoS-WETH) in your wallet on the Polygon network (more details below). Please be aware that there are some inconveniences regarding the naming, so be careful to acquire the correct WETH! As long as you are using our platform for the transfer you don’t have to deal with the type of WETH — this is all done automatically in the background (link)

Before Getting Started: Prerequisites

  1. Visit and connect via Metamask. You will see your wallet’s balances of ETH on the Ethereum network and WETH on the Polygon network.

2. We HIGHLY recommend using Metamask (either mobile version or on Desktop). This is the best wallet that supports our technology. If you are using the mobile version of Metamask, please connect to directly in the mobile browser of Metamask.

Desktop: Metamask with Chrome browser is 100% supported (Brave browser is not 100% supported)
Metamask mobile built-in browser is 100% supported
Traditional Mobile browsers are not supported
Other Mobile wallets with a built-in browser (ie. Trustwallet) are not 100% guaranteed

3. Please keep in mind that your Metamask wallet will use the same exact wallet address (receiving address) on both the Ethereum network side and on the Polygon network side.

4. Use “Add Token” feature in Metamask

This is an optional step but it is recommended for every user to have full visibility of their token balances. We recommend that you use the Metamask “add token” feature to add the Torum token (XTM)contract so that your balance will display properly in your wallet.

Ethereum Network Torum token contract:

Polygon Network Torum token contract:

Token Symbol: XTM
Decimals: 18

5. Please always make sure that you submit the correct participation wallet in the whitelisting form AND Fractal KYC process! The wallet address you submit will be published in our IDO Pool Smart Contract. For the private pool, this must always be the address that contains your SCA tokens and ScaleSCORE. If the correct wallet is not entered during both private pool whitelisting AND KYC process with Fractal, or you submit an empty wallet that does not contain SCA/ScaleSCORE, we will be unable to whitelist you for private pool participation.

Getting Started! Torum IDO Pool Participation

Please only participate if you are successfully whitelisted. Unregistered wallet addresses are technically restricted from participation. And again please be alert of scammers or scamming sites! The only platform that hosts Scaleswap IDO is

General information:

  • The Scaleswap Pool Smart Contracts are on the Polygon Network (Ethereum Layer 2). As previously mentioned, you will need Polygon wrapped ETH (WETH) in order to participate in the Torum IDO pools.
  • However, you will NOT NEED to switch your network from Ethereum to Polygon, and you will NOT NEED to have any Matic tokens on the Polygon network in order to participate! We have some magic in our platform that does this trick for you!
  • Please remember that your wallet uses the exact same wallet address whether connected to the Ethereum or Polygon network.

Step 1: Transfer your funds to the Polygon network

Transfer the amount you intend to participate with from Ethereum over to the Polygon side. We advise you to do so at least 24hrs before the IDO starts as the transfer can sometimes be delayed due to network congestion, and will harm your chances of getting allocation should the pool be filled.

Option A: The easy transfer method

Transfer ETH held on the wallet address that is connected to from the Ethereum network over to the Polygon network.

  • For this, simply go to (first “Transfers” widget on top of the screen — click on the ETH logo at the top of the screen).
  • Enter your participation amount in ETH, click on the “Transfer ETH” button, and sign the transaction with your wallet provider (e.g. Metamask).
  • Finally, wait until the transaction is executed (takes normally 10–15 minutes but can vary depending on network traffic).
  • Once the transaction is complete, you will be able to see your Polygon balance (automatically swapped to the necessary WETH) on the top menu next to the Polygon logo.

Option B: Polygon Bridge

Instead of using the Scaleswap app, you can also use the standard Polygon bridge to transfer funds from Ethereum to Polygon via:

Polygon Bridge

Option C: Polygon DEX

If you already have funds on the Polygon network, you can simply buy the WETH on Quickswap exchange.

Step 2: Join the Torum IDO pool

Once you’ve successfully whitelisted and passed KYC — you are ready to swap your WETH for Torum tokens (XTM)!

  1. Visit and navigate to the Torum pool that you were whitelisted for, and wait until you see the message: “Whitelist was successful”.

If you don’t see this message, there are four possibilities:

  • If your KYC was successful but you see this message, then you need to wait until your participation wallet is inserted into the Pool Smart Contract.
  • You failed with KYC and you cannot join the pool.
  • Your public pool whitelist application was not selected.
  • You are connected with the wrong wallet to

2. Once you see the “Whitelist was successful” message in the app, you are ready to go!

3. Enter your desired participation amount (any amount between the defined minimum and maximum participation) to join the pool, and click on “Join Pool”. You’ll see that the transaction has been completed and your allocation has increased on the dashboard.

4. Congrats!You’ve made it. Now enjoy your XTM tokens and let’s take it to the moon together!

Step 3: Claim your XTM tokens

You are now the proud owner of XTM tokens! However, the tokens have not yet made it to your wallet. In order to get them into your wallet, you will need to click on the “Claim Token” button.

That’s it. You’re finished! Congratulations!

Additional Advice (Optional)

Now you have your Torum’s XTM tokens in your Polygon Wallet and there are plenty of options from here!


This Option will increase your ScaleSCORE in 3 out of the 6 dimensions and increases your chances of participating in the next IDO pools on Scaleswap!

What is ScaleSCORE?

ScaleSCORE is the first revolutionary step to honor loyal community members and to empower them based on their commitment and loyalty, with the lowest possible impact on actual buying power. Only 1 out of 6 dimensions is budget-dependent. This means that with loyalty to Scaleswap, our SCA token, and the launching projects, everyone can significantly increase their ScaleSCORE over time. Not only can this result in guaranteed pool participation; ScaleSCORE is also the basis for weighted airdrops, the driving element for unlocking new features (like our autopilot function, coming with V2), determines voting power in our decentralized governance structures, and more. Users with a high ScaleSCORE develop into the most precious members of the overall IDO ecosystem and we’ll make sure that they are proud to belong to the Scaleswap family.

Learn how easy it is to make ScaleSCORE work for you:

2. Transact on Polygon

If you would like to move your tokens around the Polygon network, you’ll need to have a small amount of Matic in your Polygon wallet (each transaction only costs a fraction of 0.01 USD). Just switch the MetaMask wallet network to Polygon (you can find simple instructions here). Afterward, you can send Torum tokens within the Polygon network, use decentralized exchanges (like Quickswap) for a fraction of a penny, and much more!

3. Transfer Your Tokens to the Ethereum Network

If you would like to move your tokens over to Ethereum (e.g. for using Uniswap, a decentralized exchange on the Ethereum network), you can use the Scaleswap App or Polygon Bridge. Transferring from Polygon to Ethereum is a two-step process, where you’ll need to sign 2 separate transactions within your wallet. This process can take up to one hour and more. Once complete, your tokens will be transferred. Please see a detailed description below:

Using the Scaleswap Bridge to transfer XTM from Polygon to Ethereum

  1. Visit the Transfer Wallet page ( by clicking on the Polygon or Ethereum symbol in the header of the app.
  2. Scroll down to the “Transfer to Ethereum” widget (second section on the screen), select the coin to transfer (in this case your XTM tokens), indicate the desired amount for the transfer, click on “Step 1” and sign the transaction. Now, your tokens are transferred from your Polygon wallet balance to the Polygon PoS-bridge and are ready to sync with Ethereum Mainchain.
    IMPORTANT: STEP 1 cannot be canceled!
  3. Wait for the “Step 2” button to become active (This can take 1h or more depending on network load). Click the “Step 2” button, and then sign the transaction. This will finalize the transfer of tokens from the PoS-bridge to your wallet on Ethereum.
  4. Now you can add your XTM tokens in the Ethereum wallet in Metamask like described in the “Getting started” section of this article.

Using the Polygon Bridge to transfer XTM from Polygon to Ethereum

  1. Instead of using our own app, you can also use the standard Polygon bridge to transfer funds from Ethereum to Polygon via:
  2. If this is the first time that you do a transfer via the Polygon bridge, please refer to the standard guide:


Q. Do I need to setup my Metamask to Polygon to participate in the IDO pools?

A: No, you don’t need to change your Network! We handle the transaction to Polygon directly from Ethereum.

Q. Do I need Matic/ETH for Gas fees?

A: You need only ETH as Gas fees when you transfer funds from Ethereum to Polygon or vice versa. There is no need for Matic/ETH for Gas fees to be able to participate in the IDO pool (managed by Scaleswap) and if you already have wETH on your Polygon wallet. You will only need Matic if you do any transfers or trades withing the Polygon network — where a single transaction is only a fraction of 0.01 USD for Gas fees.

Q. Can I avoid switching my Metamask to Polygon network in order to get Polygon WETH and to participate in the Scaleswap pool?

A: Yes! You’ll just need to use “Option A: The easy transfer method”. Then you will have WETH automatically in your Polygon account without switching to the Polygon Network.

Q: I transferred WETH to my Polygon wallet and I completed the sign test with the private key account (which succeeded) 24 hours before the IDO. Am I now ready and wait for tomorrow so I can use the WETH to join the Torum pool?


Q. What if I have an issue or question about something that isn’t covered here?

We kindly invite you to join our Telegram channel, where there is always someone to assist you!

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Stanislav Stolberg

Co-Founder and CTO @Scaleswap, Technology Entrepreneur, Executive, Angel Investor and DeFi/ DAO Evangelist