PureFi Launches SCA Token Staking Pool

Published in
2 min readDec 30, 2021

We’ve just been informed that PureFi will be launching a pool for the Scaleswap community on their staking platform. It’s time to shine for anyone in our community interested in earning more SCA and boosting your ScaleSCORE simultaneously!

Staking begins: 31 Dec 2021 00:00 UTC
🔗 App: https://app.purefi.io/
Important: Staked rewards can be claimed immediately via the PureFi app; however the staked amount is locked until April 1st.

To support any community members who wish to participate in the program, Scaleswap will ensure that:

  • All staked tokens WILL count towards ScaleSCORE!
  • Furthermore, we’ll also be adding a 7th dimension to ScaleSCORE that will reward staking participants even further!

Staking can be lucrative and a lot of fun for a community. But it’s also a powerful tool where true believers and adopters can gain an unparalleled advantage over others — especially in this case with the ScaleSCORE integration.

📌 Please note that this is a 3rd party staking program. While PureFi is a long-term and trusted partner of Scaleswap, this staking program is being initiated by and launched by the PureFi team on their own platform. Please visit the PureFi Telegram discussion group for questions or support.

📌 Also note that ScaleSCORE staking integration is in progress but not functional at the start of staking. You will experience a temporary decrease in ScaleSCORE until implementation is finalized, however, rest assured that all staking participants will see these dimensions reflected in their scores before the next IDO.




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