“Boaty McBoatface?” Actually, This is a Serious Ship with an Important Climate-Related Mission

Sarah Lippincott
1 min readMar 24, 2016


New article on Scaling Green discusses the intriguing story of what has been happening since NERC let the internet decide what to name their $300 million antarctic research ship.

“This “Boaty McBoatface” story has brought publicity to something that otherwise might not have received any attention at all.”

“NERC ”is the leading funder of independent research, training and innovation in environmental science in the UK,” investing in “world-leading science, designed to help us sustain and benefit from our natural resources, predict and respond to natural hazards and understand environmental change.”

“NERC announced in November 2015 that it was “investing just over £8m in research to ensure we have access to elements needed for a variety of environmental technologies that will provide cleaner energy and more efficient energy usage.”

“Clearly, this is an important mission, particularly in a world that’s warming rapidly due to the combustion of fossil fuels. And it will remain important, not to mention serious, even if the name of the ship ends up being the decidedly non-serious “Boaty McBoatface.” Hey, at least it’s memorable!”

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Sarah Lippincott

Digital Brand & Content @tigercomm, artist and vegetarian. Tweets are my own.